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From Spoilerslayer.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

A Hope For The Return Of Spoilerslayer.com - Angel, Buffy & Tru Calling

Monday 4 October 2004, by Webmaster

First, I would like to thank each and everyone who has taken time to write me directly about the site closing down. I’ve received thousands of emails from fans all over the world. While I would like to respond to every email, let me take a moment instead to once again say that the site would not have been the success it was without the fans. You were always the reason why I kept the site going and why it pained me so much to take it down.

While the circumstances have not changed in terms of the site continuing to spoil in the future (as mentioned below, I have to consider myself a target now for Fox if there was ever another show of theirs that I wanted to cover), some things may allow me to bring back the site as an archive. Fox themselves explained that they had no issue with the past spoilage for shows that were no longer in production (ie: ’Buffy’ and ’Angel’). Now that the production for ’Tru Calling’ has been shut down, and the show may or may not be returning for a second season (they only filmed 6 of the 13 ordered episodes), it does open up a window of opportunity.

I never intended to take the site itself down permanently, even if I stopped spoiling shows. Once I can confirm that ’Tru Calling’ will no longer be airing on any network, I will bring back ’The Spoiler Slayer’ site in an archived format. Certain aspects of the site may still no longer be available, but the majority of the posts should remain intact.

Once again, thank you for all of your kind words and support.

Tensai - The Spoiler Slayer