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Adieu to Your Favourite Vampire with a Soul

Thursday 29 April 2004, by Webmaster

Vote for your favorite Angel episode in a tribute by SPACE that will count down the Top 10 episodes.

Viewer’s Choice Marathon: Adieu to Your Favourite Vampire with a Soul

This Victoria Day, we pay tribute to the end of five seasons of Angel. Viewers unite to commemorate this sad event by voting for their favourite Angel episodes of all time. On May 24, starting at noon ET/ 9am PT, SPACE will count down the Top 10 episodes as chosen by you.

While it began as a Buffy spin-off, Angel quickly sharpened its fangs with a unique style and storyline, rife with brooding vampires, battling demons, noir-ish mysteries, existential angst and gallows humour.

Join us for this farewell marathon on SPACE, capped off with the final new episode of Angel...EVER!!!.

Click on the link to vote :


The poll closes May 19th at noon ET.

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