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Jane Espenson

AfterElton loves Jane Espenson

Sunday 9 May 2010, by Webmaster

Ten Women We Love in 2010

If her involvement in such gay-friendly shows as Ellen and Buffy the Vampire Slayer weren’t already enough reason for us take note of Espenson, her involvement this year as co-executive producer on SyFy’s Caprica would’ve sealed the deal.

After all, it’s Caprica that gave American viewers Sam Adama, a gay character on an American science fiction show that was finally as interesting and complicated as Torchwood’s Captain Jack. In fact, AE readers liked Sam so much that after just half a season, he came in at #22 on our poll of the greatest gay characters.

The first time I met Jane, she and I totally hit it off. I love knowing smart, funny, outspoken, passionate and incredibly pro-gay women which totally describes Jane. If I had been lucky enough to know her in high school, she and I absolutely would have been best friends. In fact, she is the friend that every gay guy should be lucky enough to have whether it be in high school or beyond.

But most of us will just have to settle for knowing Jane through her work. Lucky for us, it’s almost as good as the real thing. —Michael Jensen