Homepage > Joss Whedon Cast > Amber Benson > News > Amber Benson - "Death’s Daughter" Novel - She is signing tonight in (...)
Pandemoniumbooks.com Amber BensonAmber Benson - "Death’s Daughter" Novel - She is signing tonight in BostonFriday 19 June 2009, by Webmaster Friday, June 19th at 7:00 p.m. - Authors Chris Golden, Amber Benson & Thomas Sniegoski: Chris Golden is an awardwinning and bestselling author. Amber Benson may be best known as a TV Actress on Buffy, the Vampire Slayer as Tara Maclay. This will be Amber’s only Boston signing on this tour! Thomas E. Sniegoski is the author of more than two dozen novels for adults, teens, and children. His teen fantasy YA series Fallen was adapted into a trilogy of monstrously successful TV movies by ABC Family Channel. More details on each of the author’s can be found on our Google Calendar on the events page.
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