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From Alternateuniversepresents.com

Amber Benson

Amber Benson to appear at Sacramento Whedonverse and Beyond con

Wednesday 8 June 2005, by Webmaster

Alternate Universe Presents is sad to announce that Nathan Fillion and Adam Baldwin will not be joining us in Sacramento.

However..... *drum roll please*

we are thrilled to announce the addition of the lovely and talented AMBER BENSON to our event in her first west coast appearance in several years. Amber will be with us all weekend - signing autographs, posing for photos and chatting up attendees at the Cocktail Party and Banquet.

For those of you who bought photo ops and/or extra autographs with Nathan Fillion or Adam Baldwin, you may transfer those to another guest. Please email us at info@alternateuniversepresents.com and let us know your preference. Thank you.