From AngelAngel 4x18 Shiny Happy People - Funny SummaryMonday 14 April 2003, by Webmaster Once upon a time, there was a pretty girl named Cordelia, whom everyone loved even though she was a little bit odd. Then she got stranger and stranger for a few years, and then she had a baby and decided to take a nap. The baby was a pretty girl named Jasmine, whom everyone loved even though she was a little bit odd. She made everyone act kind of silly; Angel wore bright colors, and the writers pretended that this had been planned since the second season. Then there was a pretty girl named Fred, whom everyone loved (everyone on the show, anyway) even though she was a little bit odd. But after making contact with Jasmine’s blood, Fred got the idea that Jasmine was actually a maggoty dummy head. Fred’s pals got the idea that Fred was evil, and wanted to kill her. The audience got the idea that maybe having everyone acting goofy and wanting to kill Fred wasn’t such a bad thing.