From AngelAngel 5x02 Just Rewards - Dark Worlds ReviewBy Amy Berner Friday 10 October 2003, by Webmaster REVIEW : ANGEL : JUST REWARDS When last we saw Our Hero, he was giving his life (or, in his case, unlife) to save the world... Wait a second. Who is this show about again ? Oops, that’s right. It’s called ANGEL. Sorry, wrong vampire. Yes, the other vampire with a soul, Spike (James Marsters), has officially arrived. Capitalizing on this combative pair of undead, the second episode of the new season of ANGEL set up the Vampire Buddy Show facet of the new season. For anyone not familiar with this vampire-laden universe, the episode opened - after a flashback to Spike’s Last Stand from the BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER series finale - with a brief comparison of the two. The basic synopsis : Spike is a vampire who has a soul. Like Angel (David Boreanz), Spike was an ally of the vampire slayer in her daily battles against evil. Like Angel once was. Spike was also in love with her. Like Angel. Are we seeing a pattern ? However, as might be expected, their relationship is antagonistic on a good day. On a bad day, they are more prone to trying to hurt, torture or otherwise destroy each other. Since his first appearance in Season Two of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, Spike has been a fascinating character to watch. He is irreverent and egotistical, and you never quite know how he will react to a situation. He’s a wild card, plain and simple. Spike made his true "big comeback" in this episode, and - lucky for us - he had some of his bite back. We have writers David Fury - long time BUFFY scribe (and then some) - and Ben Englund (of "The Tick" fame) to thank for that. Spike’s wry sense of humor was often missing during his soulful final year on BUFFY, partially because he had no real target for his commentary. With the brooding Angel as his foil, his impudence shines right through - and Angel is less than happy about that. This episode had far more focus than the season premiere. It established Spike and his role in the group - almost as a "younger brother" to Angel who is bitter at his lot in life - while still leaving the big questions - starting with "Why ?" - unanswered. Although a plot regarding a necromancer was in the mix, this episode was all about Spike and Angel - their similarities, differences, and history. We didn’t see much of Angel’s team : Fred (played by Amy Acker and already noticed by the even-more-undead newcomer), Lorne (Andy Hallett), "Insta-Lawyer" Gunn (J. August Richards), or, for the second episode in a row, Wesley (Alexis Denisof). So, back to Our Hero. The other one. We learn that only nineteen days ago, Spike gave his life to save the world. And yet, despite that act of selflessness, he is now merely a ghost... and his ties to the world are getting weak. Hell has come a-calling, and the evil-doer turned hero doesn’t want to go. And who can blame him ? His decades of evil notwithstanding, he had a fairly good year. He sought out and won a soul, earned the respect of the woman he loved, and saved the world. Not bad for a former brutal killer. Where is his reward ? Why doesn’t he get the good stuff ? Hence the episode’s title. What should Spike’s reward be for saving the world ? Do his few ultra-good deeds late in his life balance out all of the evil he wrought during his time as a self-proclaimed Big Bad ? Is being stuck near Angel the best he is going to get ? What is he supposed to do now ? And, regarding Angel - does he deserve the fancy cars and shiny new office ? Is it a just reward for him ? We are two episodes into the season, and the players are now all in place. It’s time to see where their new paths will lead. |