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From Peterdavid.net


Angel 5x06 Cautionary Tale Of N° 5 - Peter David Review

Wednesday 12 November 2003, by Webmaster

ANGEL: Opinions seem split on this one. Personally, I thought it was a hoot. I loved the spotlight on Mexican culture and the entire world of masked wrestling, which is as mythic to Mexicans as…well, Superman or vampires. Angel’s snapping out of his funk at the end seemed kind of pat, but it beats having half a season of increasing gloom that only ends when he shags Darla. A lot of the dialogue was great (ANGEL: Did YOU know the Devil built a robot? WESLEY: El Roboto Satanico! ANGLE: Nobody tells me anything.) I had the sense that groundwork was being laid for future developments with Spike and Angel, which is positive. All in all, a nice little study of the nature of heroism.