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Angel 5x16 Shells - Tvguide Ad Scan

Scan by Jil

Tuesday 24 February 2004, by Webmaster

3 Forum messages

  • > Angel 5x16 Shells - Tvguide Ad Scan

    24 February 2004 23:55, by lfire1
    Let the blames begin?! Oy vey! Someone in the Promo Dept needs a smack. Surprised there’s no hint of Illyria here, instead we’re going for the Wes on the rampage motif. Not that I’m complaining on that score!
  • > Angel 5x16 Shells - Tvguide Ad Scan

    25 February 2004 18:28, by Anonymous
    Yum! Now that’s a tasty pic of Wes.
  • > Angel 5x16 Shells - Tvguide Ad Scan

    26 February 2004 22:13, by Anonymous
    Fred’s dead? Shouldn’t that be Fred is Dead"? Otherwise it would refer to spike or angel or harmony or cordelia....do you get where I’m going? Besides "let the blames begin" WTF? Fire the person that actually thought that was a good idea.