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"Angel After The Fall" Comic Book - Brian Lynch gives good news !

Friday 14 March 2008, by Webmaster

Big day yesterday. Plowed through a whole lotta SIMS screenplay, and sat back and watched as people found out about the SPIKE:AFTER THE FALL series. Good times.

EVERYBODY’S DEAD is only two weeks away. Any idea on how we can get the word out? Can I count all of you to bulletin and what-not? Oh I hope so.

Got a ton of emails lately asking for spoilers in the ANGEL series. This is awesome because it means you guys are really into it, but frustrating because I can’t say anything. I don’t want to ruin the fun of actually reading it.

And what fun it is. I’m heading into the final arc for ANGEL, and currently halfway through SPIKE:ATF 2. Just a heads up, originally, ANGEL was going to be 12 issues plus some occasional spin-offs. Now that FIRST NIGHT has been folded into it, it will definitely run for more than 12. So don’t worry, nothing will be rushed, everything will play out perfectly. We’re not talking BUFFY’s 40 issues, or even close to half that, really, but it will not end at a dozen. I wish we could have gone out at 13, that seems fitting, but it’ll probably be a couple more than that.

Going to do another Q and A after the ANGEL book comes out, with podcastian answers. So get’em ready. I think you’ll have a lot to say after 5...