From AngelAngel Comes and Goes...Friday 3 October 2003 Angel is back in the US - but not for Five’s viewers in the UK. While the fifth season of Angel is now underway in the US, British terrestrial viewers of the series will have to be patient for quite a while yet. Viewers were left at a crucial point of season three when the series disappeared from the UK’s Saturday schedules late last month. Five TV has now confirmed that Angel does not feature in their autumn schedules - so there won’t any further episodes shown during 2003. However, they assure us that Angel will return in the New Year, with the seven episodes needed to conclude season three probably leading straight into the start of season four. A return to a weekend slot (alongside a more established part of Five’s schedules, such as Charmed) is the most likely placing for Angel in January 2004. Meanwhile, season five premiere Conviction aired on the WB last night, and fans in the US are naturally busy debating the comings and goings in the cast line-up for this year. Look out for coverage of such matters in stories marked SPOILERS. |