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Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

By Sue

Tuesday 2 November 2004, by Webmaster

13 Forum messages

  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    2 November 2004 22:19, by Booboo
    My thoughts exactly I was gonna go but I hav just started uni so I wouldn’t have been able to get down there!
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    3 November 2004 01:14, by Anonymous
    Hey look! Amy has a tummy!
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    3 November 2004 02:58, by Anonymous
    but why dose james have a knee brace on?
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    3 November 2004 16:28, by James
    I was there! Oh, the memories. That was my first con and it was sooooo good. It was very well organised and I enjoyed every minute of it. Amy Acker was so wonderful!!!!!
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    3 November 2004 22:13, by Michelle
    omg, great pics! Brought back the memories(not like I’ve been able to think about anything else these past- sad Jamesless- 3 days, but hey!)! It was my first con(I’m 14) and it was so wonderful. James is just...a total sweetheart and Amy...she was glowing. it was truly amazing.
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    3 November 2004 23:12, by White Rose of Arizona
    I whole-heartily agree! I was able to fly in all the way from the States to be there...and I must say, I think I was in heaven! It was well worth it. It was a dream come true to see James Marsters, as well as Juliet, David, Amy and the rest in live person! The memories will live on forever within me.
  • Was there any mention about a season 6. Photo’s look great by the way.
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    4 November 2004 15:41, by James
    Yeah, Amy was absolutely lovely, She was such a trooper. I’m surprised that she actually travelled that far being so pregnant and all. Unfortunatley, no news on a season 6 at all, there was mention of maybe spin-offs further down the line but nothing we haven’t heard about so far. Anyway, hasn’t Joss said he won’t be doing any TV for a while?
  • I was there! Anyone who went remember that stik db used to beat up the big inflatable cat? guess who has it now? yep your’s truly, me! it’s not actually just a stick, it was a witches broom, but it broke when david kicked it. also it has the words ’bewitched on plus’ inscribed on it, does that mean anything to anyone, cause I’m drawing a blank. And did anyone else get asked some questions by the ’buffy magazine’? I did, look out for me, Greg Anderson, I hope they put in my pic also. (included in the pic should be me, oli, natalie, helen, and lynsey.) and does anyone remember that one of a kind ’number one angel magazine’ huge poster hanging in the foyer? guess who snatched that up?Again that would be me! not only that, Jane Espenson pulled my number out of a hat and I won season 3 angel dvd’s! how cool?! it was definatley worth the £300 for me. Also David has lost weight! remember how he got kinda fat in Angel season 5, he’s now just like Angel from season 1 (of angel)! and Amy’s pregnant! also due to popular demand from the attendees’ RE: spike and iliria spin off series, ’ I’ll be pitching it to Joss when i get back’- Amy Acker now how’s that for news, huh?!!!

    (If natalie reads this, YOU know who I’m talking about, e-mail me, I 4got your msn thing!)

  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    4 November 2004 18:42, by White Rose of Arizona
    Amy was definitely a radiant glow of joy. She was a trooper, and she did it with a song in her heart to travel all that way for us fans. She is a jovial person and you can see it on her face that she is happy. Juliet and James were so very warm and delightful as well. And David was just hilariously crazy! It was a dream come true, had by all. There won’t be a season 6 Angel, but there was plenty of spin-off’s spoken of, such as Illyria/Spike show, as well as an Angel movie, that is all I can say.
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    5 November 2004 13:37, by James
    LOL, that was so funny with the witches broom, I was up on the balcony when he broke it, also with that giant pumpkin David was pushing the stalk down on the top and it kept springing back up, hilarious!! Oh, and what about the commentary for The Girl In Question? I was in tears of laughter at that. Where was everybody sitting? I was in the back row, but I managed to get a good spot on the balcony a few times. Can anyone tell me if GOTR actually released Gods Of The Radio and if so where I can get it, I enjoyed James’ set on the Saturday (He said he should be touring Europe with his new material in about 7/8/9 months time) Any info is greatly appreciated, Seeya!
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    12 November 2004 21:31, by WhiteRose
    That was hysterical when David started beating the poor inflated cat! He said he was a dog person, I guess... Does anyone who went happen to know if there will possibly be a video to purchase, since I know it was recorded. I was there, though I hope they will sell one. The weekend...it was indescribable. It was the best one I’ve ever been to. Truly a Buffy-Angel lovers’ haven of bliss.
  • > Angel Convention - Halloween 2004 UK - Fans Photos

    11 March 2005 17:11, by danielle
    i know im late on writing but did anyone ever sell a copy of what happened i love to buy one its seems like it was vey fun there.