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Angel & Faith

"Angel & Faith" Comic Book - Issue 12 - Available for pre-order ! (you save 20%)

Tuesday 17 July 2012, by Webmaster

Using remnants of magic, Angel, Faith, Willow, and Connor have entered the hell dimension where no one should-or really, could-dare go: Quor-Toth! Willow’s quest to restore magic to Earth was her objective in attempting the impossible; Angel’s objective was . . . something else. And Faith? She’s along to make sure that everyone’s feet stay on the ground, and out of anything they might regret.

*Executive produced by Joss Whedon!

*Follows the events of Buffy Season 8!

*Willow joins the crew!

Click on the cover to pre-order : (you save 20%)

Click on the cover to pre-order : (you save 20%)