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Angelus & Lilah Morgan are in Starpulse.com Top 10 TV Bad Guys

Friday 28 December 2007, by Webmaster

1.) Angelus (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) - Buffy was full of bad guys and villains - vampire duo Spike and Drusilla, rogue slayer Faith, Angel’s sire Darla and a new Big Bad every season like the Mayor who ate the graduating class of Sunnydale High. But none of them was more memorable than the soulless alter-ego of Buffy’s cursed love, Angel (David Boreanaz).

After one night of passion, love quickly turned into hate as Angelus mercilessly tormented and tortured Buffy and her friends and ultimately killed Giles’ girlfriend. Angelus made a great bad guy not only because of his wicked ways, but because his demise was no easy thing for the slayer. It also meant the demise of her true love. It hurt, but it hurt so good.


6.) Lilah Morgan (Angel) - Joss Whedon has so perfectly mastered creating worthy enemies that is was far too hard to limit this list to just one of his creations. The underappreciated Lilah (Stephanie Romanov) was a lawyer for Wolfram & Hart, the corporate-gone-evil law firm. As a part of her work at the firm, Lilah did her share of plotting to kill Angel, but it was her gameness and twisted humor that made her a great Joss Whedon bad guy, or in this case, girl. Perhaps no moment better exemplified that than when she dressed as up as the object of Wesley’s affections, the geeky Fred, by donning a school girl outfit and glasses.
