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Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

By Billie Doux

Monday 12 July 2004, by Webmaster

Before I begin, I want to thank the people from all over the net who answered the poll and forwarded it around to their friends. I received nearly one hundred and fifty responses, and the answers people gave were terrific; they made me laugh, and made me think.

I’ve done polls for years, and I’ve seen it all. The one thing that surprised me this time was how varied the individual choices were. In past polls, I’ve noticed that a fan will often pick one character for almost every category (favorite character: Angel; want to be on a desert island with: Angel; favorite vampire: Angel; surviving in the alley: Angel, you get my drift.) In this poll, rather than choosing the same answer for most of the questions, people would, say, pick Wesley for favorite character, specify Spike for the desert island, say Cordelia’s death was hardest to take but Fred was the person they would bring back, and so on. All of this made for a more interesting survey.

The results of the poll brought me to the following conclusions:

— Spike is still the most popular character in Joss Whedon’s Buffyverse, no matter what show he’s on.

— Angel as a character was a lot more popular in the final season than he was a couple of years ago.

— Wesley is nearly everyone’s favorite character, despite the popularity of both Angel and Spike.

Many fans indicated that they loved Cordelia, but specified when choosing her that they meant pre-season four Cordelia. This confirms my theory ("I’ve got a theory!") that the "Angel" writers blew it with Cordelia in season four. Similarly, many who chose Connor specified that they were choosing emotionally balanced Connor after he regained his memory in "Origin."

I was surprised at the popularity of Illyria; it was hard to detach the Illyria votes from the Fred votes at times, because many referred to them as the same character. I was also surprised at the popularity of "Buffy" character Andrew.

The spinoff question drew a wild variety of responses; surprisingly few just recreated either the "Buffy" or "Angel" cast. This says a lot about how good the characters on both shows were.

And now for the poll results!

Question 1: What was your favorite episode of "Angel"? Or favorite episodes, up to three? (Descriptions are fine if you don’t know the title; I’ll supply it.)

The surprise winner was... drumroll... "Smile Time," with 38% of the vote. Three other episodes also rated high. Please note that three of the four highest rated episodes aired in the fifth and final season.

38% for "Smile Time"

[Angel is turned into a puppet]

29% for "Damage"

[Andrew arrives to help a mentally ill and homicidal slayer named Dana]

27% for "I Will Remember You"

[Angel becomes human, and Buffy’s lover, but only for one day]

27% for "You’re Welcome"

[Cordelia awakens from her coma, and does one final favor for Angel]

Runners-up included:

18% for "Hero"

[Doyle sacrifices his life to save others, including Angel]

16% for "A Hole in the World"

[Wesley and Fred finally get together, right before Fred dies and her body is taken over by Illyria]

16% for "Reunion"

[Darla and Drusilla commit the Wine Cellar Massacre, and a depressed and discouraged Angel allows it to happen] [I wonder if some people who voted for this one meant "Reprise?"]

13% for "Destiny"

[A once again corporeal Spike challenges Angel for the Shanshu prophecy, except it turns out to be Mountain Dew]

11% for "In the Dark"

[Oz brings Angel the ring of Amarra, with Spike hot on his heels]

10% for "Darla"

[Darla and Angel, past and present; part two of "Fool for Love"]

10% for "Not Fade Away"

[Everybody freaking dies, and the series is over. No, I’m not bitter]

8% for "Five by Five"

[Wolfram & Hart pays rogue slayer Faith to kill Angel, but she finds it harder to do than she expected]

8% for "Sanctuary"

[Angel protects Faith from Buffy, and helps Faith find the road to redemption]

8% for "Spin the Bottle"

[Angel, Gunn, Cordelia, Wesley, and Fred revert to their teenage personas]

8% for "Guise Will Be Guise"

[Wesley impersonates Angel, and wackiness ensues]

There were tons of episodes that got a minimal number of votes — too many, in fact. If your fave didn’t make the top group of fifteen and you want to know how many votes it received, check out my episode synopses and total vote results at http://www.billiedoux.com/angelsnops.html

Question 2: Who is your favorite "Angel" character? (Dead characters are fine; most of them are dead, anyway.)

The big winner was Wesley, no surprise there. Spike, with only one season on the show, came in second. Here’s the breakdown:

33% Wesley

22% Spike

10% Angel

9% Cordelia

5% Lindsey

5% Fred

4% Doyle (not bad for a character who did only nine episodes)

Here are some of my favorites comments:

"Wesley. I want to say Spike, but I don’t feel he was in the Angelverse long enough to qualify."

"In the beginning, it was Doyle. Then for a while, it was Lorne. Briefly, it was The Big Gulp Demon from That Old Gang of Mine. Then sometime after that, Spike turned up... and that was that."

"[Wesley] was easily the most nuanced character on either series, with his horrible inferiority complex, and a mean streak that could rival Angel’s. I have a feeling if the death of Fred had happened earlier this past season, we would seen a descent into madness to rival any popular entertainment has ever shown."

"The ensemble nature of the show has left me thinking that it’s hard to pick one who really stood out. I suspect Wes or Spike would be my answer. Wesley, because of the complexity acquired the hard way through the show’s five years. Spike, because he completely stole the final season."

Question 3: If you were stranded on a desert island and could only have one "Angel" character or actor to keep you company, who would it be?

Now, see, I should have phrased this more clearly. I intended for people to pick either an actor OR a character, and many did... but most gave both in their responses, and that’s how I compiled the results. I should also have mentioned that any of the vampires would live past dawn; many respondents speculated about the availability of shade.

38% Spike / James Marsters

20% Wesley / Alexis Denisof

11% Angel / David Boreanaz

9% Illyria, Fred, Amy Acker

6% Gunn / J. August Richards

4% Cordelia / Charisma Carpenter

4% Lorne / Andy Hallett

2% Connor / Vincent Kartheiser

What’s interesting is that the results are so different from the favorite character question. Why the reversal of Wesley and Spike? Why so many more votes for Gunn? Perhaps it had something to do with what that person could actually do for you or with you on a desert island. One wonders.

Here are some fun comments from the respondents:

"Wesley. It would be kind of like having the Professor from Gilligan’s Island... forget I said that."

"Connor. He survived Quor-Toth, so he can do all the getting of food, making the fire, building the shelter, and I can get a sun tan and wait to get rescued."

"No brainer. Spike, for a million reasons, most of them X-rated."

"Spike. Or a Spike-shaped sexbot of some kind."

"Spike. Do I have to go into all the chocolate-covered reasons?"

"James ’Hubba hubba’ Marsters."

"I totally think Cordy and I would get along, but I always enjoy staring at Angel."

"Actually, Gunn. He’s hot, strong, funny, and resourceful."

"Illyria, because she can look very hot, and she could walk home to get help."

"I so would not want to be stranded on an island with an actor, so I’m thinking, Spike. Although there is the Big Pile of Dust issue."

Question 4. Which twosome was your favorite couple on "Angel"?

Okay, here I really blew it; I meant a romantic couple. And a lot of respondents took it that way. But some didn’t.

19% Wes and Lilah

18% Wes and Fred

15% Angel and Darla

12% Angel and Cordelia

9% Angel and Spike

4% Angel and Lorne

4% Angel and Buffy

3% Cordelia and Doyle

Plus two votes each for Angel and Lindsey, Wes and Gunn, Wes and Cordelia, Holtz and Justine (gag me with a spoon), Fred and Gunn, Lindsey and Lilah, Cordelia and Groo, and Wesley and Illyria. Some variety, huh?

Comments from respondents:

"Wes and Lilah. It was so dirty, but so much fun!"

"Fred and Wesley’s deaths proved that they were the Romeo & Juliet of the Angelverse. However, with all the sexual innuendo between Angel and Spike during season five, I wonder if they could have been the favorite couple?"

"Lorne and Angel. I know, I know, they’re not really a couple. But they should be."

"Darla and Angel. David Boreanaz has never had more chemistry with any other actress. Also, I loved the couple’s rich history and the fact that they were the only couple in the history of the Jossverse to have a child."

"There are couples on Angel?"

Question 5: Who was your favorite male vampire? Who was your favorite female vampire?

We had a clear-cut and unsurprising winner in the male vampire category:

64% Spike

26% Angel

8% Angelus

2% Penn

If we combine Angel and Angelus, which is fair, it looks a little better for the star of the show.

64% Spike

34% Angel/Angelus

2% Penn

For those of you who are about to write to me and ask who Penn is, he was in the season one episode, "Somnambulist;" he was Angelus’ acolyte who kept killing surrogates of his own family.

The vote for female vamp was also a landslide, although Drusilla lovers noted that Darla certainly had the benefit of more screen time. Harmony is loved, but many said they considered her to be comic relief. I think the fans like whole-hearted villainy in their female vamps.

60% Darla

24% Drusilla

15% Harmony

1% Elizabeth

Before you ask, Elizabeth was in the season three premiere, "Heartthrob", beloved of James the vampire. I wonder why James, who got more screen time than Elizabeth, didn’t get a single vote?

Question 6: Who was your favorite villain during the run of "Angel"? (And remember, villain is a subjective term.)

We had two clear winners here. I was surprised that Lilah outstripped Lindsey, even though the vote was close.

28% Lilah

24% Lindsey

10% Angelus

7% Holtz

6% Darla

3% Holland Manners

3% Wolfram & Hart

2% Spike

And here are some of my favorite comments:

"Lilah Morgan. If only they had turned her into a vampire. Just think of how evil she would have been!"

"Lindsey. He was cool, he was hot, he was all-temperature Lindsey."

"Lindsey, the lawyer we love to hate. Evil eye-candy!"

"Lindsey. Gorgeous and conflicted. Who could ask for more?"

"Is Numfar a villain?"

Question 7. If you could create the next show in the Buffyverse, and it could star anyone from either "Angel" or "Buffy," dead or alive, who would it be? (Limit your answer to six characters at the most!)

Wow, was I sorry I asked this one! Compiling the results was a bitch. But there were clear favorites. There were also a good many votes out in left field for lesser known characters such as Dana the Slayer, Caleb the evil minister, Ilona Costa Bianca, Vampire Willow, and the Cheese Guy.

And yes, I know the percentages don’t add up. Nearly everyone made six choices, so I multiplied by six... because 86% of the respondents made Spike one of their choices. So sue me.

86% Spike

54% Wesley

48% Illyria

41% Willow

34% Angel

33% Giles

33% Andrew

28% Gunn

28% Faith

25% Buffy

24% Xander

24% Fred

23% Cordelia

What I found most interesting was the popularity of Illyria; in fact, if you combine the votes for Fred and Illyria, Amy Acker came in second after Spike. Several respondents made the point that Illyria as a character was just getting interesting, and didn’t have time to develop properly. Andrew’s popularity was also a surprise... to me, anyway.

I was thinking. If we brought this down to the top seven characters that are still alive, we’d have a new Buffyverse show with: Spike, Illyria, Willow, Angel, Giles, Andrew, and Gunn.

Here are some comments:

"You meant six with Spike, right?"

"Spike first. I don’t think I even want to watch a spinoff if it doesn’t have Spike in it."

"I’m still interested in the Faith and Spike roadshow concept with support from Gunn."

"Illyria and Drogyn. I mean, the scene with them playing and trying to understand the videogame? Priceless."

"Spike, Illyria and Giles. Poor Giles would be constantly cleaning his eyeglasses over those two!"

"Either a show based on Lilah and Lindsey, like their work at Wolfram & Hart before they started with the Angel project, or a show based in the 1880s with Angelus, Darla, Spike and Dru."

"Giles. With guest appearances by dead people."

Question 8: Whose death on "Angel" was the hardest to take?

Wesley’s win here didn’t surprise me, since his death was so fresh in our minds. But it also appears that viewers have not forgotten Doyle.

36% Wesley

18% Cordelia

18% Fred

15% Doyle

5% Lindsey

5% Darla

3% Lilah

1% Merl

And the comments:

"I say Wesley. I’ve been crying for him since the cancellation announcement. I knew Joss was going to kill him."

"Lilah, Darla, Lindsey and Wesley. Oh, my god. The only four damned characters on the show that I liked, and they killed ALL OF THEM!!!"

"In the end, I wish they hadn’t killed Fred. Then Wesley wouldn’t have died, either."

"Cordelia’s. She was such an awesome character, and I’m still pissed at how they ruined her."

Question 9: If you could bring back one and only one, who would it be? Fred or Cordelia?

And the winner is Cordelia by a comfortable margin, although Fred made a darned good showing. Plus, many of the comments said that they chose Cordelia to bring back because they liked Illyria, and Illyria was technically still alive.

55% Cordelia

40% Fred

3% Neither

2% Could I pick Doyle instead?


"Cordy, because it would be too painful for Fred to find out Wesley died."

"Fred. Cordelia was fun when she was a brat, but she did not mature well."

"Cordelia, but before the whole season four grossness."

"Definitely Fred... but the Fred who was making her way to being much edgier. I grew to like Cordelia, and then all that demon possession stuff ruined it. Sick of women being holy vessels for anything!"

"Fred, but it is close. Cordelia got her run (even if I was never entirely satisfied with the results). Fred, like the series itself, was hurried to her grave so we could have a big finish."

"Neither. Both should stay dead."

Question 10: "Not Fade Away" question: If you could choose only one of those four in the alley (Angel, Spike, Gunn, Illyria) to survive, who would it be?

When they finished cussing me out, most respondents picked Spike. Not a surprise.

56% Spike

20% Angel

12% Illyria

11% Gunn

There were a lot of fun comments on this question:

"One? ONE!!?!! You are evil. You are Senior Partner, aren’t you?"

"I can’t choose between them. It’s like Olaf trying to make Xander choose between Willow and Anya. Insane troll logic."

"Illyria. Because she could regain her full powers, turn back time, and none of them, including Wesley, would die."

"Spike. I refuse to believe my boy is dead. Oh, um... I mean deader."

"My heart would break, but in the end... I’d choose Spike."

"Spike, Spike, Spike! Wanna ask me again? Spike, Spike, Spike!"

"Spike. It is, after all, Angel’s last stand, Illyria prior to this episode was only annoying, and Gunn has no prophecy to be fulfilled in an as yet unfilmed Spike: The TV Movie."

"Illyria, because she just became a good guy in the last few minutes of the series... Illyria needs a chance to become a hero."

"Gunn. The other three will probably survive."

"Spike. He’s going to Shanshu, you know."

And that’s all for now, folks. I’m tremendously sad that both "Buffy" and "Angel" are over; I reviewed every episode of both shows and they’ve been a huge part of my life for eight years. Here’s hoping that Joss Whedon takes pity on us and finds it in his heart to bring the Buffyverse back somehow. (Yes, I know, but as far as I’m concerned, cartoons and comics don’t count.)

Again, thanks to everyone who participated. Fans are the absolute best.

14 Forum messages

  • I think most people would haave been happy if the show was called spike. Personally i think he makes a good backround character but thats all, i dont think he could have his own series. And why do people always vote for that stupid episode "I will remember you". Its basically saying that Angel was at its best with Buffy in it. Which is a load of crap. Its the other way round that Buffy was at its best with Angel in it
  • EDDIE, I think people always vote for that episode because they like it, and feel it’s a good episode. In Buffy polls, Becoming wins lots, but it’s not because of Angel. It’s just a damn good episode. I personally don’t like IWRY cos they made it too easy for a vampire to become human. Joss always goes for emotions over story (as evidenced in the weak offering ‘Chosen’) but in this case I don’t think it was needed. Anyway, I do agree that Buffy’s best seasons were 2&3, but that isn’t because of Angel. Do you really believe that? In s3, he was in most episodes for about 5 minutes. Those were the best seasons because all the writers were focused on one project, and it was the only one Joss had. When Angel spun-off, lots of writing talent went over to it (like David Greenwalt) and Joss encouraged all the Buffy writers still on staff to write for Angel. While Joss left Buffy operations to Marti in s6, the people that were with Angel (like Tim Minear) didn’t leave. In any case, Buffy’s later years have given us some great episodes (Wild at Heart, Hush, This Year’s Girl, Restless, Real Me, Fool for Love, the Body, Once more With Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Dead Things, Normal Again, Lessons, Help, Selfless, Conversations with Dead People) and none of those episodes featured Angel. So, I wouldn’t say his presence made Buffy. I would say the presence of all the writers, only focused on one project, did. Also, I have to disagree with you on the Spike thing. I don’t think Joss will ever do a series with him, but the 4 2-hour movies will probably all have him in it if they are made, and one will be focused on him only. And just look at "Fool For Love" to know he can do it.
  • OH MY GOSH! I can’t take this Spike warshipping. S/he should have left him out... he wasn’t even important. He ruin the season 5 of Angel for me.
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    13 July 2004 18:57, by Anonymous
    Don’t get me wrong, I love Spike, but having him number one in just about every category he was in is lame. Also, EDDIE, IWRY is not stupid, and it doesn’t mean Angel was only good with Buffy in it. I’m going to guess your a Cordy/Angel shipper, and have no brains of the depth on Buffy and Angel’s relationship.
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    14 July 2004 02:28, by Anonymous
    Buffy was NEVER as good as Angel. Angel is dark and adult, while Buffy was a teenage soap opera a la My-So-Called-Life with vampires (as Marti Noxon herself, the EXECUTIVE PRODUCER called it, and I think she’d know more about the show than you). After Angel left Btvs, it was never as popular again, so he was a big part of it. Almost no one watched it when it moved to UPN, but in Angel’s last year it was the only WB show that improved in the ratings! If you do not get Angel, you are probably a teenager. In that case, you would like Buffy more, which is a more bubble-gum show, even though they did do adult episodes like when her mother died. Maybe when you get to your 20s you’ll understand the drama Angel goes through, and appreciate it more. Until then, don’t talk about something you haven’t expierenced. Maybe when Angel comes out on DVD more people will get into it, and there will be a movie, like Firefly had happen to it. From this poll, I’m judging Buffy won’t be in it. They have to have DB, but not Spike, he took all the scenes away from Gunn and Fred and Wesley, just like he did in Buffys 7th season from the Buffy cast. It might of well have been called Spike, not Angel. But it would be ok if Giles and Willow came, as long as they didn’t show Willow’s girlfriend. And Giles doesn’t take scenes away from Angel and Gunn and Illyria. And yes, they all survived! How else could they make a movie if they didn’t? And don’t say flashbacks, DB can’t do an accent, and Spike may have to be in the flashbacks. Wow this is long, I’m just wanting to say so you will stop talking about things you don’t understand, but this is just my opinion.
  • All i am trying to say is that IWRY was a pointless episode thrown in to keep the fans of the Buffy/Angel romance happy. Personally I think that the " the trial" should have at least made the top 3. P.S I think the Angel/Cordy relationship was the worst thing to happen to the show. No sorry the Conner/Cordy thing was the worst.
  • The only reason Spike didn’t get a spin-off? Because DB had one already. You guys sound about 12 years old squabbling over this! Seeing as the author already stated "The one thing that surprised me this time was how varied the individual choices were" It shows that no, it wasn’t just passed around a Spike fansite. These are valid results and they show what they do because Spike was simply a very popular character in the Jossverse. It’s over now. Move on!
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    15 July 2004 13:31, by aussie mum
    Somehow 150 people out of all the angel fans does not seem much of a pole to me! The poll sounds as reliable as the tv ratings. While Spike did a great job the show had a great team of actors led by the fabulous DB before he arrived. Angel’s multi-faceted character was the reason I watched every episode.
  • come on people! we should celebrate the greatness of the buffyverse, not squabble about who was best. I love Spike but i do agree that it is a bit unfair to let him claim the glory for angel when clearly angel put a lot more into it. however, spike does have more charisma (no pun intended). i think we should just love it as a whole and pray someone does decide to do a movie or TV movie. go Joss go!!
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    15 July 2004 19:33, by Anonymous
    You watch Ats because of Angel? Yipes. Thats like saying you watch btvs for Buffy.
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    15 July 2004 20:17, by Anonymous

    I don’t know why it’s so hard to believe that Spike really won all those categories. He’s been one of the biggest fan-favorites throughout the run of BOTH series, largely b/c of JM’s magnetic performance. Yes, he is extremely hot as well, but blaming it on that is just too easy.

    P.S. Angel was never a better show than Buffy; just because the characters spent more time whining and moping doesn’t mean they were more mature. Buffy was all about growing up, and was often very dark and complex, even before the supposed ’dark years.’ On the surface it may have seemed like a regular WB teen soap, but the writing was mature and nuanced. Actually, Angel seems to incorporate WAY more soap opera elements than Buffy ever did. (Don’t get me wrong, I like both series.)

  • ooops *blush* I copied her message instead I just wanted to say that I totally agree with her, sorry!!
  • > Atnzone.com - The Angel Series Finale Opinion Poll

    16 July 2004 20:41, by Anonymous
    who voted for the best episode? was it mostly under 10 year olds? I enjoyed smile time just as much as most, but no way could it be no 1
  • Whoa,loads of sour grapes. The show is over, can’t we all just get along? I’m for anything that helps get a spin-off of some kind going, and if Spike’s apparent popularity is it, then go, Spike, go! I liked Angel as a character too, though he did have a touch of the table lamp in his persona - which I think accounts for these results.

    Also, he didn’t do as many nekkid scenes, and that does count, I’m thinking.

    Whoever said the characters on AtS were not more mature - I agree. Mopier and darker doesn’t equal more mature, and I think they were going through the exact same growth experiences (in different ways) as the BtVS cast. Angel never got to come to a big milestone the way Buffy did though at her finale. (Curses on the WB!!)