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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Avoid to watch "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Tv Series...

Friday 5 December 2008, by Webmaster

Do you have a well-known film/album/show that you’ve specifically resisted from viewing, etc. for whatever reason? For example, a friend of mine has refuses to watch any of the remade Mummy films, since as he puts it, "There can’t possibly be anything in there for me."

Josh Modell

First off, Tasha, you should really see Billy Madison. I’ll bring it in for you. I can’t think of a great answer myself, so maybe I should beg off this completely, but here goes... I’ve always refused to watch Terms Of Endearment because it violates one of my two fundamental movie no-nos: I don’t like movies about terminal illness, and I don’t like movies about dancing. It’s probably awesome, I’m sure I’ll love it someday. I have studiously avoided watching Buffy The Vampire Slayer, even though people with exactly the same taste in TV tell me that I’ll love it. This embargo may end soon, though, since Tasha loaned me the first season on DVD. (But then I have people telling me that I’ll have to suffer through the first season to get to the good stuff—why would I want to do that?) But I’ll pretty much watch anything if the right people tell me it’s good. And it’s not a rom-com.


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1 Message

  • You have to watch Buffy— your friends (and millions of other fans across the world) are right. You will be missing out on *life* if you never watch it. There would be no point to live. While I agree the first season isn’t too great, seasons 2-7 are what define the meaning of "great television". There are a lot of people like you that think the same depressing, crazy thoughts of not wanting to watch Buffy, but once you start watching it you’ll be addicted! That’s the only bad thing about the show. You will for sure not regret watching the best tv show television ever had to offer. It’s just plain sad if you don’t watch Buffy. I can’t think of this anymore, it’s getting me upset. But, I will sum up the show in one word for you: Amazing.