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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

BTVSFigs’ Ask Diamond #28 - Questions & Answers

Monday 25 July 2005, by Webmaster

Will you guys start making more figures from the early seasons now that there is a library playset coming out?

The library playset has not specifically given us inspiration for early season versions of characters BUT each time we do a character we look at their life on the show. Early season versions in the future are very possible.

Any news on a Buffy DST Collector Club? Is that still on the radar? I remember something DST said about something "coming back from the dead" for Buffy collectors and everyone assumed it was a new version of the old MAC collectors club. Were we wrong?

We’ve done some work on it but it’s just not a priority for us this year. All the partners are doing a wonderful job getting product to the Buffy fans and we like to have the web site as a last resort.

I think the limited signed edition of ’Hush’ Tara -when Amber Benson signed the blister card before the plastic was put on- is a great idea!! There was 500 of those. Any plans for another limited signed edition?

THANKS! Yes, that’s kind of a DST trademark and we have plans to do more in the future.

Will any of the Buffy and Dawn Figure’s bases connect?

Not like a puzzle, but as more come out you can add parts to make scenes. Like the Pylea versions of different characters.

Any chance for a battle damaged Chosen Buffy instead?

No plans right now to change the paint that dramatically, but we could always use it as a promo in the future.

Can you give us any information on how or what changes may be made to the Buffy figures?

Way too soon! They are still in for approval as I type this. As always, what we show first are hand-made hand-painted samples.

Are there going to be any boxsets or two-packs related to this line (Buffy/Dawn)?


Have we seen all the figures or is there a third Dawn still to be revealed?

Kind of yes to both...

When will we hear about accessories?

Soon. Some were at the show and the rest are being painted right now.

Is getting them out for Christmas the reason why they (Buffy/Dawn) are being released so soon?

We always planned for three waves this year (Spike counted as 04) so we HOPE to get these out for Christmas 05. Many of the actors in the show have approval rights to their likeness and while they have all been very responsive and co-operative, they are just hard to track down at times and that can cause unexpected delays.

Will the next wave after Buffy and Dawn be "Buffy" or "Angel" focused, or a bit of both

We’re thinking Buffy, but as you have seen by now all of the lines cross over.

Is there ANY chance that the mid-thigh swivel could be included with some or all of the newly announced Buffy figures.

No plans for that change right now.

Will there be two Willow busts?

Maybe two - maybe more - BUT we haven’t even announced her, have we?

Seeing as how we are expecting another boxset this year, will that boxset have a newly sculpted character (besides Buffy and Dawn)?

Whether it comes out this year at this point is up to the partners. They may want to wait since we have shipped and will continue to ship so much Buffy product through the end of the year... AND it will have a new character. That’s all I’ll confirm at this point.

Do you have the Serenity Series II planned? If yes, would you like to share?

At this point we need to see how sales of the first series progress. We’re certainly open to continuing with more characters.

Is there a carded version of Parting Gifts Wesley?


Do you have any plans for merchandise based on Buffy’s appearance in "The Gift"?

As you can see, we’re messing with lots of Buffy stuff right now but nothing I can say for now either way.

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