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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

BTVSFigs’ Ask Diamond #44 - Questions & Answers

Saturday 30 September 2006, by Webmaster

When will the other versions of Drusilla, Oz & Wood be announced?

As soon are Giles & Faith hit stores

How many figures will be produced for each of the characters of the Drusilla/Oz/Wood line?

We’re not 100% sure yet.

Will making a Robin Wood figure, allow us to get a Nikki Wood figure?

No direct relation.

Will there be any 2 packs or Boxsets based on the Xander/Cordelia line?

Not planned yet, but 2 packs are something we look at all the time as need comes up.

Will there be any 2 packs based on the Giles/Faith line?

See above

Will there ever be a figure of The Mayor?

Never say never, but not on any of our short list.

Will you ever consider doing Scooby Team Boxsets, seeing as there have now been figures of Buffy, Xander, Willow & Giles?

Sure we’ve thought about it, but you go much past three figures and the SRP gets a little high.

How long on average does it take for a figure to be sculpted? Which figure so far took the longest to sculpt?

Just over a month I’d say. I don’t think one has been noticeable longer then the others, to get right?? Faith took the most rounds of internal revisions so that makes her longest.

Was/Is a Gold Pylea Cordy variant considered? Possibly in a two pack with Groo?

Not currently

If a figure breaks, or has a wrong part etc, what is DST’s policy? Will they send a replacement? How about internationally?

We stand behind our stuff 100%. If you get a defective figure email Customer Service (customerservice@diamondselecttoys.com) and they will take care of you.

The variant choices are generally quite nice. Are there any certain seasons that you find better for basing figures off/that you tend to base figures off due to the seasons popularity?

We do try to look at more popular or touchstone episodes. Also, we skew toward the later seasons because MAC did lots of stuff from the early seasons.

If there are 3 figures in this line, can we expect fewer variants: ie. 2 of Wood, 3 of Oz, 3 of Dru

Not necessarily

With the scans of Nathon Fillion and Adam Baldwin done, is Diamond at least considering Caleb and Hamilton? (Hamilton would be as easy as putting a Baldwin head on a "bad Girls" Wesley body.

We’ve talked about both a bunch of times but they have never made it into production.

Has Diamond considered "continuing" the Palz line with Buffy and Angel Minimates?

We’d never make a Palz, so if we did block figures they would be Minimates and match that scale and style.

On March 10th 2007 it would be a 10 years anniversary since BtVS first aired. Do you have any plans to celebrate that? Say, releasing a limited edition figure

We’ve discussed it. Not sure if we’re going to go forward with something special.

Will Robin Wood have variants?


Is it possible that a werewolf Oz figure would come with the library cage that connects to the library playset at a higher price point?

No plans for that, sorry.

With the move to the deluxe line (without bases) don’t you think that creates more of a market for playsets?

Not sure what you mean by move, but no, the sales of the library play set are the number 1 factor.

Do you plan on changing the style of the bases? Maybe to interconnect?

All I can say on that is yes and no at the same time BUT we have no intention to make linking bases.

Do you think that you will ever get the license to release movie figures like Mcfarlane toys "movie maniacs" or Naca "cult classics" ?

If you mean several licenses mixed into one line, no that’s not something we’re working towards.

It was said in a previous Ask Diamond that there were only a few more figures of Buffy herself that you were interested in producing. What exact versions of her would be your choices?

I really can’t say that.

What in the world is going on with Undercover Initiative Xander?

We’re not sure right now but we haven’t given up on him yet.

With so many people wanting new figures of Fred, will you consider redoing her?

Fred is not on the list of figures we’re looking at for the next few waves.

Will we ever see Gunn/Harmony/Andrew/Riley/Adam/The Judge/Turok Han/Caleb/Beast/Skip/Bringers?

We’re doing one from this list for sure.

Why is it taking so long for the Buffy Snowglobe and bookends to get approval?

Sculpting, painting, molding and approvals are a long process. That’s one of the reasons we don’t like to announce things too early. We prefer to do as much of the behind the scenes stuff as we can before announcing. I can say they are moving along.

Will there be any boxsets or 2 plans planned for the Drusilla/Oz/Robin line?

See above

I don’t know if this has ever been asked but would you ever make a Fray figure?

We do not have the rights.

Do you plan on producing the Chosen "wounded" Buffy?

Never say never, but it’s not currently on our release schedule.

Will there be any more Serenity Statues?

Lets see how River does first.

But, are there any plans for any more X-Men 3 busts? Still holding out for Cyclops!

We’ve got some in the works but sorry, not Cyclops...