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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

BTVSFigs’ Ask Diamond #48 - Questions & Answers

Wednesday 30 May 2007, by Webmaster

Here you go, guys...


1. While it is nice of DST to offer freebies for DST shop orders, international fans are scouring eBay and paying inflated prices. Is DST ever going to throw open the DST shop to International collectors?

DSTChuck: There are several problems currently that prohibit us from selling international not the least of which is the fact that we do not have worldwide rights to sell Buffy or Angel products.

2. You just announced Steve the Wraith as a mail-in figure for the Stargate: Atlantis line-up. That’s very cool. Is there any chance that a similar offer can be put together for the Buffy or Angel lines for a fan-favorite character? You could do it retroactively for any four UPC codes sent in for existing figures, you get a free figure, or you could combine this with The Judge waves to encourage stores to purchase both case sets, or even with the Willows.

DSTChuck: The idea WAS by offering the Jude it would encourage sales, the Stargate line has been budgeted for a mail in figure IF we were to offer something like this for Buffy we would have to find a way to pay for it be lowering the cost of the figures.

3. Who does DST classify as core characters in the Buffy/Angel-verse, as you have previously stated that you have made all core characters in figure form. Is it characters that have appeared in the main title of the shows? If so why haven’t we seen figures of Riley, Gunn, Harmony, Doyle and Connor?

DSTChuck: While many fans may love the characters listed we do not consider any of them “core” to the show, that said if sales remained strong as we move down the list we always have said we’d do EVERY character.

4. Do you plan to unveil new Buffy/Angel product at SDCC?

DSTChuck: We showed a ton at Toy Fair so there should be some but maybe not as much as their has been in the past.

5. Do you plan any Buffy/Angel exclusive at SDCC? The last time I was at the Con, I didn’t know about the bagged exclusive until I got home and online.

DSTChuck: As of now, NO - but that’s something we usually decide pretty last minute and surprise people with.

6. Who would you say, offhand, are the most popular characters in terms of merchandise sales, in vaguely approximate order?

DSTChuck: Buffy, Angel, Spike, Willow, Faith.

7. With characters such as Faith and Spike who were both good and evil at different times of the show’s run, would you say that overall you market them as heroes or villains, or is it entirely episode-specific?

DSTChuck: We don’t market them as either - that’s for the fans to decide that’s the cool thing about what Joss created, it means different things to different people.

8. With the exclusive SDCC blood drive figures, is there any way to get them for those of us who are there at the convention but for medical reasons aren’t allowed to give blood? Say, giving a cash donation to the Red Cross?

DSTChuck: Seems like a good idea but that’s something you would have to discuss with the staff onsite, we just donate those figures to them, they decide how best to use them.

9. Before Palisades folded, there were plans to produce beanie demons and a plush stake. Is anything like that possible under your plush license? Or, say, mini-sized Puppet Angel?

DSTChuck: DST has made several plush items in the past but as of now we have no more planned for Buffy.

10. Was the Mr. Gordo patterned after the actual screen-used prop, or photos of it, or was it a DST creation for what Gordo might have looked like, since it’s extremely difficult to tell what he looked like on screen?

DSTChuck: We used the several screen garb programs we have at our disposal to make the item as accurate as possible and we think we did a pretty good job but your right there were not many good images to pull from.

Regular Line

11. If the regular line is ending. Does that mean no more boxsets either?

DSTChuck: Box sets are still possible.

12. Any chance of making Grudge Match deluxe two-packs like the Marvel Legends Face Off’s with a nice big floor base?

DSTChuck: No plans for anything like that.

13. Do you think we’ll see Riley, Gunn, Harmony and/or Connor in the near future in any figure form?

DSTChuck: At DST we never say never but I would say chances are not good.

14. Would DST consider doing a monster line?

DSTChuck: Its something we looked at in the past but never went forward with.

15. Even if the regular line is ending, will DST still make two packs and boxset in the future with reused parts and maybe a new sculpt in each set? Giving the fan some new characters in the old MAC style like Gunn, Harmony, the Mayor?


16. Can you just make it clear weather or not you will be continuing the regular ANGEL wave or is that dead along with the BTVS regular line?

DSTChuck: As an ongoing release or line the “Mac style” line will not be continuing in Angel OR Buffy.

Revamped Line

17. What’s the price point on the Revamped Line?

DSTChuck: We’re not 100% sure yet BUT it will be a higher SRP then the existing figures.

18. What’s the frequency on the release for revamped? Once a year? Twice a year?

DSTChuck: Sales will dictate it BUT we’d be happy if it supported two releases per year.

19. Will Revamped Series 1 be only Buffy and Angel or will you had one or two other characters?

DSTChuck: Series 1 is just Angel and Buffy.

20. Is there any chance for new characters in the Revamped line like Jenny, Lilah, the Beast, etc?

DSTChuck: While it’s certainly possibl, but I would not count on it.

Deluxe Line

21. Why are you only planning one Deluxe line a year? It seems that you would want to release more lines in a year now that the "regular" line is dead.

DSTChuck: We’ve always released one wave of dlx each summer and since that’s done so well for us we figured why mess with a tradition.

22. Could the deluxe come with little stand to help them stand straight as it would really help

DSTChuck: We’ve absolutely considered that, so far we have not included one but we might.

23. Would it be possible to go the same way as the Marvel Legends line and add a build-a-figure in each deluxe wave?

DSTChuck: We have no plans for anything like that.

24. Will DST make more then one deluxe wave a year?

DSTChuck: Right now all plans are to keep it to one wave per year.

25. Is it possible that you might eventually produce some Deluxe monsters?

DSTChuck: Its possible.

26. What’s the likelihood of seeing a Deluxe Illyria?

DSTChuck: Its possible.

Resin Projects

27. How could there not be enough interest in the bookends?! WE NEVER SAW PICTURES OF THEM!!!!!!

DSTChuck: The item was shown to buyer - sorry but we have no reason to spend money sculpting, designing and prototyping an item then cancel it just to be "mean."

28. With the Spike Essence statue: is the flame of his lighter also illuminated?

DSTChuck: A bulb will not fit in it but it will glow...

29. At Wizard World, the teddy bear that was on the ground in front him in previous photos was behind his coat. Is it a separate, removable piece, or was that accidental? What is that teddy bear supposed to signify? Is he Evil Spike who just killed a child and left destruction in his wake, or is he Good or Semi-Good Spike who just fought off the demons who were attacking the innocent?

DSTChuck: It was not an accident it is a key part of the pieces design - you decide what it stands for!

29. I’ve noticed that the busts (from Tara onward) are now barely larger scale than the figures, as are the Essence Of statues and the Revamped, and even some of the figures such as Fred and Dawn seem to be this "new" scale. Is it an artistic decision to sculpt everything in the same scale, or is there a big advantage in production and/or costs?

DSTChuck: Essence and re-Vamped are 7” scale and Dlx and Mac are 6” scale.

30. What size batteries do the Essence statues take, and how many?

DSTChuck: We’re not sure yet, but might be three or four.

31. If the Essence statues do well, is there a chance in the future to get an unvamped Spike and/or a vamped Angel?

DSTChuck: Anything’s possible if the line is a success.

32. I realized that I still haven’t seen anything official from DST saying why/if the snowglobe was cancelled. So what’s the official word?

DSTChuck: Its canceled.

33. Are the release dates for the Essence statues staggered every couple months because of marketing reasons or production reasons?

DSTChuck: We hope it gives all collectors some time to re-stock their piggie banks.


34. As far as the Serenity license goes, how fast would this first statue have to sell to yield more statues?

DSTChuck: IF we waited to see sell through at retail it would be until about 6 months later then we’d be able to offer out second piece.

A huge thanks to Chuck at DST for giving us another great Ask Diamond!


5 Forum messages

  • BTVSFigs’ Ask Diamond #48 - Questions & Answers

    30 May 2007 23:51, by Theresa
    I think the bear at Spikes feet was some sort of play on "blondie bear" hehe. I want more Buffy figures!
  • Ahhh.... DST. Hate isn’t a strong enough word for these morons. Here’s an idea: If you want to completely paint yourself in a corner, try releasing the same characters(mostly from the later and worst seasons of Buffy) as action figures, over, and over again. people won’t get tired of that. By all means don’t try to release a new character figure. That would break our frikkin hearts. Base every decision you make on presells because we all know that 110% of people who buy things online MUST have a presell in order to be interested in that product. If it’s a unique, or cool product, make a prototype, and then 5 months later cancel it. That makes fans of your products very happy. I have boycotted DST, and convinced many of my friends to do the same. I guess what I’m getting at is that DST doesn’t deserve the Buffy license because they are egotistical creeps who could give a damn about the most important part of any buisness-the customers.
  • new line of buggy figures, keep em comin
  • BTVSFigs’ Ask Diamond #48 - Questions & Answers

    3 June 2007 09:20, by Anonymous
    where is Kendra?
  • Harmony. I want Harmony.