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Birmingham NEC "Serenity" Fan Table Review

Tuesday 16 August 2005, by Webmaster

August 12th-14th 2005

Cider and KurganSince late last year, Andy Evans started preparing for Memorabilia. This is a show which has around 10,000 visitors looking to collect items, get items signed and generally look for cool new things.

After nearly a years organisation by a great many people, we descended to Birmingham.

People had made their own items to give away or sell. UIP, Serenity’s UK distributors helped pay for the table and supplied goodies.

How did it go? Brilliantly. We stood out from the crowd at Memorabilia completely - there were absolutely NO other film distributors present. There was virtually nothing ’new’ or original at the show, except for our SERENITY stand. Everybody was interested in what we were promoting.

We often had queues several lines deep for the table, and in most cases it was busiest stand at the entire show.

Saturday evening, around 40 fellows fans visited the Express Inn for a shindig. Much alcohol was consumed, dinosaurs were played with, exclusive items from our Big Damn Heroes were given out and behind the scenes SERENITY footage was shown to the amusement of all present.

All in all, the table raised hundreds of pounds for a childrens charity. Fun was had by all involved. People left exhausted. However, as of Monday the Firefly DVD set has shot from Number 250 on the Amazon UK charts to number 138.

We took a series never before aired on mainstream UK television to show with 10,000 people, to show them a movie from a cast they’d never heard of. And they loved it. Congratulations to all involved - this event defined what fan marketing should be about - fun, giving, and successful.

1 Message

  • > Birmingham NEC "Serenity" Fan Table Review

    18 August 2005 07:49, by TMLS

    Sounds great. But... we went to the show and whereabouts were you????????????? Never saw the table! Loved the matchbooks though in the carrier bags.

    Annoyed really ’cause was looking out for Serenity/Firefly merchandise and was very disappointed by the apparent lack of it.