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From Becharitable.org


Booster Events Charitable Website

Tuesday 24 May 2005, by Webmaster

Angel’s Food Drive started as a fan campaign in the fight to save Joss Whedon’s ANGEL. With donations from actors, writers, various companies and generous fans, AFD has, to date, raised over $23,000.00 for the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. Originally intended to end with a check donation enabling the LARFB to purchase a truckload of food, AFD will, instead, continue on, honoring Angel’s theme of helping those in need.

Booster Entertainment, a collective of four women and one computer guy, celebrates the special connection between actors and their fans. Organized and innovative, BE conventions concentrate on offering stars and fans a relaxed, fun-filled experience. Drawing from these roots, BE Charitable was born. BE Charitable hopes to make a real and significant difference in three areas:

* Continuing donation to the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank
* The Sandra "Itty" Fisher Memorial Arts Scholarship
* Donations to Haven House

How can you help?

* Direct donation
* Participation in our convention auctions
* Donation of items to auction

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