Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Buffy 6x13 Dead Things - Buffy & Spike Censored Sex Scene - Download The Video
By Japymonfils
Sunday 5 September 2004, by Webmaster
1,7 MB - Windows Media Player Required - We added sound and music from the official sex scene (6x09 Smashed).
Click on the picture or on the link :

Buffy Season 6 - New Buffy & Spike Censored Sex Scene !!! - Download The Video (mirror)
if you got video problems, download and install last divx codec 5.11 :
divx511 codec
Forum messages
5 September 2004 22:49, by Angel
Her scene with Angel was much better... *hmpf*
5 September 2004 23:25, by Anonymous
grr.I can never download anything *sigh
6 September 2004 00:00, by Anonymous
Wow. I can see what that was censored. A little too hot for regular tv. Gives a person too many naughty thoughts.
6 September 2004 00:04, by Anonymous
oh...yuck...why did they feel the need for that? Thank god it was never shown
6 September 2004 00:47, by spikeluver16
I wish I was sarah in that video
6 September 2004 01:23, by Anonymous
6 September 2004 01:33, by Anonymous
i’m speechless....
6 September 2004 02:20, by Alizabeth
WOW... did you see james’ smirk at the end... naughty naughty
6 September 2004 08:00, by Pandora
We-ll, that looked... intensive. I don’t mind sex-scenes but this one certainly is sort of extreme? I was already astonished about the Spike-Anya-table-magic-shop-scene so this would’ve definitely been too much (for me - prefer a good hint for the ’head-theatre’ before the graphic display, don’t you?)
6 September 2004 08:57, by Anonymous
Spike in action! YUM! ;)=
6 September 2004 12:40, by Anonymous
Bleh, more of the Spuffy trash? Disgusting!
6 September 2004 16:02, by Bibi
I’m on a mac and for some reason, all i get is the sound - no visuals. Argh! Windows Media Player hangs my system when I try to install the newest version, and VLC doesn’t give me all the gory visual details.
Anyone else have this problem and figure out a way around it? If so, I’d love to know how you did it!
6 September 2004 18:33, by Adam
I’m pretty sure it’s not a censured video from smashed ... look at Buffy’s hair ... short ... it’s certainly from dead things or another after "gone"
6 September 2004 18:43, by Blue Angel
Wow, this was.......hot. Obvious why this wasn’t shown O.O
6 September 2004 18:59, by Anonymous
I wish Buffy had been on HBO, though that might have been too hot for HBO. Damn, when JM acts in a sex scene it looks real, unlike that lame crap with Buffy and Riley or Buffy and Angel.
7 September 2004 02:30, by Anonymous
woa...so...i understand about SMG’s felt degreated..that’s very graphic...Bot cool and Hot! :D love SMg screamy face...that’s made me imagine a lot of things :D
7 September 2004 03:25, by Anonymous
James Marsters, lucky man!! i’d wish up Sarah...Yummyy...
7 September 2004 03:37, by spuffyfan
Wow that was so hot! These scenes are so much better then Reily/Buffy and Angel/Buffy. The last two couples can’t compare to Buffy and Spike. Those who think b/a and r/b are better than Spuffy must be on crack or are incredible stupid. I agree I can see why the scenes were censored. Buffy and Spike steam up the screen even in the censored scenes.
8 September 2004 22:17, by Anonymous
Why am I not authorized to view this? Spike makes me melt....
10 September 2004 00:43, by Anonymous
yummy....spike is a hottie!!!!!! LUCKY SARAH... :p
11 September 2004 12:50, by Kate
i love spike so much~~
i’m from China,in china there is few of
people like buffy…………
i want to make a friend with buffyfan!
If you want to make a friend with me
Please write a e-mail to me!
ps my English is very bad…………
11 September 2004 18:07, by thelostgirl
Waow it’s hot! BTw,don’t be so jealous daddy;)
12 September 2004 13:16, by Angel
The reason why Buffy & Spike’s sex scenes seem more realistic is because they don’t contain anything but sex. There’s no romance, no love, no nothing.
Her scenes with Angel were more erotic / less hardcore, and unlike these scenes, because they were acts of love and passion, not animal instincts. Have you ever seen Buffy happier than she was in "I Will Remember You"s bed scene?
13 September 2004 09:11, by Anonymous
OMFG!!!! HOT HOT HOTTTT!!! That was intense. I LOVED it!!! I understand why it didn’t make it to tv but they should’ve put it on the dvd (maybe add a warning to that episode). I agree that it’s not from Smashed as her hair is short. Definetly from the ep where stupid Riley visits and she dumps poor Spike.
I love Spuffy goodness :D
13 September 2004 15:51, by Anonymous
with divx i can only listen to music and sound but no video!
what can i do?help me please!
13 September 2004 22:14, by BaBe
so hot!!!! just imagine to have James on top...!!!....it totally turn me on..hehehe!! :P
14 September 2004 08:20, by BadGirl-Faith
Wow... Spike is so Hottttttt,
Get a load of the clip, Awesome.
If there are any more censored scenes let me know... SPUFFY, Rulz
E-mail me if someone wants to talk to me
18 September 2004 21:50, by Anonymous
does anyone have any screencaps for this? cuz i would love them!! ;)
16 October 2004 23:28, by Anonymous
15 December 2004 05:49, by Jim Dandy
Damn... there is NOTHING finer than Sarah Michelle’s "O" face! She looks heavenly when she grits her teeth and closes her eyes.Wow,Freddy’s a lucky guy!
23 December 2004 01:26, by Gir
OK!Yeah..that was just..WOW!Damn, sarah is one lucky girl!And that better be on the season 7 DVD!And can I say SCREENCAPS PLEASE!
1 February 2005 17:03, by Anonymous
woh hoooooo!!!!!!!! the one below him is the wrong person!!! it should be me!!!!!!!!! i hate sarah!!!! bite me ..spike!!!!
18 February 2005 16:35, by lzza
wow this is hot stuff
19 March 2005 16:00, by Fra
*_*WoW it’s so Hot...I love this cupple *_* the music and scenes are very right,and you can understand Buffy’s feelings.I love season 6 *_*
21 March 2005 14:49, by BabyAngel
wow sarah iz sooo lucky and spike .... veryyyyy fit, i think the scene iz from season 6 from the episode were warren kills cassandra and makes buffy think she did it spike iz sooo fit and him and buffy ar best 2gether
22 March 2005 20:41, by arf
wow...so hot *__*
25 March 2005 15:05, by evilunicorn
Mmmmmm Lucky Sarah!
3 April 2005 23:54, by Lady Deathstrike
I admit that I was a bit miffed when I heard about what had been deleted, but now I think it was the right thing to do. It was the ecologically correct thing to do. As it is, I’m convinced that if you want to clear snow and ice off the driveway, just toss out disks 3 or 4 from season 6 and *poof* all gone. If the deleted parts were left in, we probably would have lost the polar ice caps and that would *not* have been a good thing (I *am* the Ice Queen...and if something can cause a major glacial retreat it is a majorly serious issue)
And from the male perspective (which I generally don’t even attempt to give).... I am female...a *straight* female with all of the original factory installed equipment. I don’t have a "willie" but I *still* managed to...uh...well...I really think I understand the guys better now... ;-)
13 April 2005 02:48, by Anonymous
i can’t download it sombody now were i can get it pleas ??
15 April 2005 05:49, by lamar
It was so hot
17 April 2005 00:32, by punkymiss
rrrrrrr!!! shit!! i can’t download this scene because this message always appear: "try again in 5 minutes" spike is too cuty!!! i want to watch this scene!!! :’-(
19 April 2005 03:49, by Anonymous
where did the candles and everything come from? thats spikes cript, not a smashed building!
omg that scene was hott!
27 April 2005 06:32, by dq
could anyone help me...i can’t get this to work at all i tried to get the divx but i thought mine were fine and it didnt work either anyway...it just keeps saying its invalid or corrupt...if u could help pleeease email me thanks soo much
30 April 2005 08:47, by Anonymous
Where do you get your dailies? I want them all! All I know is that I would love to be Sarah Michelle right about now!
12 May 2005 05:26, by olly
"it says invalid or corrupt" look at the size of the file you d/l - it’s not complete, it shows that download process completed, but based on file size it’s not, due to the mistake occured during the process... that’s why you can’t open it... just keep downloading till you get the whole file
15 May 2005 03:47, by Anonymous
Damn Sarah is so lucky! I wish i was her there spike makes me all tingly lol i just love him...but now i know why this wasnt shown on tv.
15 May 2005 16:58, by Nichole
Ooh that is HOT! Wish I was Sarah in this video....:( sigh.
23 May 2005 06:34, by Anonymous
does anyone know the name of this song, or where can i find it??
31 May 2005 22:09, by emma
WOW! i wish i was sarah because james is sooooooooo fit! I think that sarahs Hubby freddie prnz junior would be a bit jelous it looked more than acting from wherei was watching it!
1 June 2005 18:36, by JT Moore
21 June 2005 23:23, by Anonymous
God that is hot! I just love Spuffy!
22 June 2005 15:44, by Anonymous
Nice choreography. Simple, but real. Also, very nice acting on behalf of Sarah Michelle Gellar and James Marsters. I notice a lot of people here saying that they’d like to be in one or the other’s place, which goes to show that they pull off a convincing performance. In reality, it was probably fairly awkward for them because they’re surrounded by an entire crew. If you watch this as a finished scene, there’s a continuity error between the second to last shot and the final one, but considering these are just the rushes, I image that wouldn’t be a problem if this actually aired. Okay...has my attempt to be a stick in the mud worked? It has? Great! Okay, now I can say my real feelings about this clip. It was ridiculously hot. I shall now go watch it repeatedly.
27 June 2005 12:13, by Anonymous
WOW! It was great. Why did she married that idiot Fredie? Sarah and James are the perfect couple for me.
3 July 2005 07:34, by Mell
I don’t know what everyone is getting bent out of shape about, I’ve sen MUCH worse than this. >:)
4 July 2005 21:30, by katie deveuve
itz not fair, i cant watch it, lol!
10 July 2005 00:38, by sarah
lol, who wants to be buffy in that scene!!!! meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
29 July 2005 14:51, by Chili
The link isnt working any more, is this happening to any body else??
5 August 2005 13:25, by alias
i wish i was sarah. That was hot.
6 August 2005 16:48, by Anonymous
My hats off to James... How he could simulate sex with Sarah all writhing and sweaty beneath him and NOT have it become ACTUAL sex is beyond me. One look at her face contorted in orgasmic pain and the friction which HAD to happen when their pelvises incidentally met under that blanket... damn!
6 August 2005 18:03, by sticklet
wow, that was major hottness. I think most girls wish we were Buffy/Sara but oh well. I think Buffy and Spike were great for eachother. Keep up the deleted/censored scenes!
6 August 2005 21:33, by Gen
WOW! THAT WAS HOT! Spike and Buffy are so awesome. Nothing is sexier that JM’s arms, I would haved loved to be Buffy at that moment, lucky girl, I would have died happy.
8 August 2005 14:47, by Anonymous
OMG james marsters is soooooooooooo HOTTT!!!!!! that scene was really hot and i love the song!!!!
9 August 2005 14:31, by jj
theyve delected thus scene.....im very wow.....i so have the hots for james marsters...he is soooo frickin fit...those arms.....that body, why doesnt he do porn he’ll be richer than rich
9 August 2005 22:00, by spikeluva
Y is everyone sooooo all over this scene? lol I HAVE SEEN WORSE.. (or better..however u put it)
11 August 2005 21:30, by Milly
Personally, I think it’s well acted and stuff, but I don’t see why everyone’s all bent up about it. I’ve seen much more graphic stuff on normal tv.
25 August 2005 03:22, by Anonymous
damn i dont get anything but a do you want to download this file but some day!!!!:) bye the way how graffic is this ive never seen anyting bad so how pornic are we talking and what kind of comp do you need to see and hear and just for the record i love you James and sarah !!!!:)
27 August 2005 07:06, by Spuffy Luver
ok if your having problems with this (omfg-WOW)Download!! umm try to Right Click on the link and go down to
SAVE AS- Click that, find where you want it saved and that should work I was having problems with it too. so thats what I did. if that does’nt work I’m not sure what to do! Sorry. Hope it works!! Ohh And I really liked buffy with angel together but please face it!! SPUFFY RULES ALL!! if you have any problems email me at>>>>>>>>>> dc17(a)myway.com
See online : Buffy 6x13 Dead Things - Buffy & Spike Censored Sex Scene
27 August 2005 22:38, by Anonymous
Just the sound is a turn-on and Buffy is SO cool and SO desireable. Just WOW, man. This is better than ANY NASCAR race could ever be. Buffy! You are MINE!
8 September 2005 20:09, by Anonymous
OMFG! I love James hes soooooo fuckin hot. I hate sarah michelle gellar. She gets (got since the shows over) to make out with him and then of course there are scenes like this. But the problem is I cant figure out how to downoad things on my computer and its not kuz im stupid when it comes tho computers i just cant do it on this one (its a mac and its sorta new) and i cant right click either ive been tryin this for days!!!!!!SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!! PLEESE!!!!!!
23 October 2005 08:25, by GL
I just felt like telling everyone, that this scene is actually from "Gone" but it was shown in "Dead Things" however, it was all chopped up. Remember in "Dead things" when Buffy was sleeping on her bed and having all those flashbacks of her and Spike having sex? Well, that scene was one of the flashbacks, only they showed parts of it and not all of it. Cause I remember that elebow bitting..
Some kinky stuff Joss has in mind lol.
27 October 2005 04:09, by Katlin
Spike was so hot in this video god i luv him!!
12 November 2005 09:03, by Sienna
Oh yeh babe... give me some of that spuffy lovin’. I tell ya... angel never put that expression on her face eh....
5 December 2005 04:21, by Monika
Oh good....James where are you!? I waaaaant you ahhhhh
5 December 2005 04:24, by Monika
ahhhhh I love this clip! it’s so hot! Why do people get upset over this? war and racism upset me - sex doesn’t!(especially not hot sex) haha
8 December 2005 00:13, by Anonymous
Excellent acting not over the top. I just wonder how many takes there are we did’nt see
8 December 2005 00:20, by Anonymous
Pretty Hot better than Harvard MAN
8 December 2005 21:48, by Anonymous
great stuff
10 December 2005 13:16, by will
they are perfect 2gether!!!!
10 December 2005 20:28, by love spike
Hiiiiii. ilike you buffy and spike what the video it soooooooooooooo ......................
but buffy please don’t stop off .i looooooooooooooooooooooove you spike
13 December 2005 02:28, by Anonymous
13 December 2005 19:09, by Anonymous
Wow they seem to really get into character in this scene
18 December 2005 20:43, by Anonymous
They took as far as they could go for TV
19 December 2005 11:05, by policeline---do not cross
oh that was pretty hot but more of gross...i mean i am all for buffy/spike smoochy scenes and stuff but too much *contact* i like ’smashed’ scenes better coz it’s not as graphic and gross...
23 December 2005 23:32, by Anonymous
Definitly the hottest scene on buffy along with smashed
28 December 2005 22:24, by Anonymous
I dont know what all controversy is about they look comfortable in these scenes.
31 December 2005 14:53, by Italiangurl88
hey, it was hot!! I think spike and buffy are the best couple of all the season!!! cool work it seems real..........:P
16 January 2006 01:43, by Anonymous
Very realistic ,Its suprizing He is on top !!
24 January 2006 02:16, by Anonymous
Realistic & stunning for TV. How will they top this scene??
8 February 2006 22:29, by Anonymous
This scene & smashed, they fully commited no holding back pushed limits of TV
26 February 2006 02:46, by Anonymous
Joss pushed the limit with this scene. I guess they learned from prior botched episode WTWTA
They are definitely going for it here
23 March 2006 03:14, by albita
Everytime we see violent scenes on Tv with disgusting blood and other stuffs around death bodies but if someone is making sex it must be censored. That’s the way in USA, right?
A spanish fan"" Buffy también en ESPAÑA, por supuesto!!!
By the way, this web is great, congratulations!
26 March 2006 19:04, by albita
Estamos acostumbrados a ver escenas violentas por todos lados y cosas mucho peores que dos personas haciendo el amor, no entiendo esa doble moral suya de censurar determinadas cosas que por otro lado son las más normales.
22 May 2006 21:21, by oliver aton
huebiera querido mas pero...me gusto
buffy rules!
16 June 2006 05:34, by Anonymous
You people are wack!!! How can you say that is gross?! That is FAR from gross! Thats hot steamy sexy Spuffy sex! So stop being immature and saying how "Gross" it is! If you want romantic sex go back to season 2!! Or better yet, go act like a housewife and read a romance novel!! Now we know just exactly why Buffy was always sore!! lmao
28 July 2006 18:52, by Dary
Oh, I am so dissapointed, it is impossible to download the clip. Does anybody has it and could email it to me or link me to where I could watc?? Pretty pretty please?? :(
30 July 2006 01:05, by spuffyluver
Damn what I’d have given to hear what they were saying... Or you know being there as one of the cameragirlies...Or you know, be under Spike instead of SMG=)) I loveeee Spuffy they’re my first and foremost obsession and this is one hot dailie! Can anyone tell me where to find the balcony scene?
11 November 2006 19:51, by angel
i hate spike,,,the only one whom i love is angel...and i think that he is just perfect for buffy...no spike..no shit..i think that joss had done a fatal mistake by spike and buffy`s relationship,,so i hate him for that>>
1 December 2006 16:10, by SF
Damn! This friggin’ rocks! xD
5 December 2006 06:09, by Mara
I don’t see the problem here. It’s just a bit of hot but lovely sex. In the episode that Buffy becomes invisible they are doing just the same, so what’s the difference?? And by the way, Spike is already in love with Buffy and she is too (though she dosn’t want to admit it), so I don’t think is gross or naughty I think is passionate and beautiful.
A Spanish fan...
6 January 2007 08:20, by Lasher
15 January 2007 01:39, by Anonymous
Angel your right Angel & Buffy deserved each other 2 broods in a pot
Spike deserved better than "maybe when this over" & I love you but I got to get out of Hellmouth right now so I can go shopping
16 February 2007 16:24, by you-do-doodle-too
What is everyone going on about... this is no big deal. It looks like he could be at least a half foot away from her, so it is just 30 seconds of 2 actors making faces and squirming. (apart from JM having to be in a push-up looking position for hours of filming). If they weren’t under covers or it JM’s body was directly on top of hers and they had to wiggle, that would be different. Don’t get me wrong, they are good actors, but for the sort of money they get, I would chill under JM for 30 seconds, and I am a guy, and believe me, that is not my sort of thing! This scene is no big deal.
4 April 2007 17:55, by Maeve Aislin
Pfffffff, I tried to download it but of course I can’t watch it. Can anyone help? I have a mac so...
19 May 2007 18:35, by Jesssica
Whenever I click on the link it says this page cannot be displayed and I really want to see this...any help?
25 May 2007 18:19, by spike’s lover
spike is go god damn sexy ! fuck angel! spike is the man. He’s MY man.
28 July 2007 00:37, by Anonymous
Spike is so sexy!
I wish I was Buffy in that vid!!
3 August 2007 04:48, by Mel
oh my gosh that was soooooooo hot. and i can understand why it cant be shown on t.v. but glad we can watch it now. I want to see the dallies for this it must have been somewhat awkward
1 September 2007 19:42, by Anonymous
Looks like the photo and link have stopped working or are dead. Could I get the working link/file emailed to me at ryblack5@elp.rr.com
15 September 2007 22:29, by Ryblack
Could anyone fix the link for this scene, or repost it, please
8 November 2007 14:49, by Piper Halliwell
i would like to see the video. can i download it?
If anyone knows where I can download this from, please post.
these links no longer work
Does anyone Know where I can get this stuff????? :)