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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy 7x17 Lies My Parents Told Me - FAQ

Monday 24 March 2003, by Webmaster

Buffy 7.17 FAQ

What’s it called?

"Lies My Parents Told Me."

Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to David Fury ("Sleeper," "Showtime"), who also directs, and Drew Goddard ("Selfless," "Conversations With Dead People," "Never Leave Me").

What does TV Guide say?

"The Scoobies’ failure to nullify the First’s hold on Spike inspires Wood to pursue a vendetta as the vampire relives the day his soul was taken away. Anne: Caroline Lagerfelt. Drusilla: Juliet Landau. Young Robin Wood: Damani Roberts. Vamp: Ira Steck. Kennedy: Iyari Limon."

How long has it been since we saw new "Buffy"?

A month! "Storyteller" aired Feb. 24.

The big news?

Giles does not (as rumored) disclose to Buffy his role in Ben’s death.

Ben? From "Willard"?

>From season five. The intern who shared Glory’s body two years ago.

Does Giles turn up at all?

Yes, he plays a huge role in this week’s proceedings.

The bigger news?

Something happens at the end of the third act that will have a lasting effect on the balance of the series.

Has Giles been off gathering additional potentials?

We don’t glimpse any new ones this week. His prior absence is not explained.

"Young Robin Wood," eh? This one sounds like it’s teeming with Spike flashbacks! When are they set?

There’s one set New York City 1977, but that’s Wood’s flashback. The rest are set in England around the time Dru turned Spike all fangy.

Does Drusilla amuse?


How is Buffy dealing with her latest bout of unemployment?

Buffy’s still lurking around the high school, givng reports on the student body. Maybe Wood kept her on the payroll after all.

Are Faith and Willow back from Los Angeles?

No, this episode is set prior to the adventures Will shared with Faith and Team Angel last week.

Does Willow leave for L.A. at the end of the episode?

At the end of the second act. "I, uh, just got a phone call. I’m gonna have to take off for a while. Maybe a day or two," she explains, never making reference to whom she’ll be visiting. "Nothing you need to worry about. I’ll give you the full scoop later. Maybe I’ll even bring back some good news."

Xander and Anya had "one more time" sex last episode. Is there more this week?


What’s up with the Nerd of Doom?

He answers the phone when Winifred Burkle calls from Los Angeles.

Any "potential guy" news?

The only ones we see this week are Kennedy and Rona.

Does Dawn require rescuing?

Requires but goes wanting. She has a close encounter with an airborne cot.

Any sign of Fantastico?


Caleb is introduced next episode. Any developments on the First front?

No sign of Morphy this week.

What’s good?

The parallel plots. Giles’ first meeting with Wood. Spike introducing his mum to Dru. The long conversation in the graveyard. Anya’s line.

Anya’s line? What’s not so good?

Xander, Anya, Kennedy, Rona and Andrew all get maybe one line each. And there’s only five new episodes left after this week.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?

"I think you’ve taught me everything I need to know," Buffy tells Giles, shutting the door in his face.

Herc’s rating for "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" 7.17?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

* ***** better than we deserve * **** better than most motion pictures * *** actually worth your valuable time * ** as horrible as most stuff on TV * * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

8 p.m. Tuesday. UPN.