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Fandomania.com Buffy The Vampire Slayer"Buffy & Angel" Tv Series in The 10 Worst Places to Work on TVMonday 16 February 2009, by Webmaster The 10 Worst Places To Work On TV The next time you feel bad about your job and start surfing the web for a better salary, keep in mind that it always could be worse. Take, for example, these ten disastrous workplaces from TV. 1. Wolfram and Hart (Angel) There are lawyers, and there are evil lawyers. And then there are Evil Lawyers, answerable to the seemingly omniscient and insidious Senior Partners. That’s what Wolfram and Hart is, and their Los Angeles branch especially isn’t anywhere you’d want to work. It’s bad enough that your contract with the company would extend beyond your death into the Afterlife, but you’d also have to worry about things like being eaten by vampires, being overrun with zombies, or being obliterated by Hell coming to Earth. (...) 5. The Magic Box (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) In a town like Sunnydale, California, you pretty much should just give up working anywhere and move to Nebraska. Even with a high mortality rate for any and every profession and avocation in Sunnydale, there are a few places that stand out as being particularly hazardous to your prolonged lifespan. The Magic Box is just such a place, famous for bringing death and horror to all its owners. It maintained its dubious reputation even after being bought by Rupert Giles and run by the Buffy gang, all of whom nearly met their makers there on numerous occasions-by sword-swinging skeletons, giant snake monster attacks, and eventually shop-smashing witchery. (...) Click on the link for more : |