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From Chud.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy Characters To Live On

By Devin Faraci

Wednesday 9 April 2003, by Webmaster

Contributing sources: Cinescape This article will contain information that might be considered spoilers for the series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, specifically as it contains info on who does not die (not saying that anyone does die, but I am saying there are people who without a doubt live on).

OK, with that out of the way, let’s talk about what happens to the actors from Buffy the Vampire Slayer once the show has a final stake through its heart this May 20th. As we all know, Sarah Michelle Gellar is leaving Slayage behind to pursue a big screen career. So are Alyson Hannigan (Willow) and Michelle Trachtenburg (Dawn), so don’t look for those two in any future Buffyverse TV programs.

That leaves the boys. James Marsters, who plays Spike, the newly ensouled vampire, has revealed that the Powers That Be at Mutant Enemy have told him that they want his character to become a regular over at Angel - provided that the series is renewed for a fifth season on the WB (and word is that this is looking fairly likely). That’s not a huge surprise, as fans have long heard that Spike would be integral in a proposed new spin off, which seems at this time to not be materializing.

The surprise comes here: Anthony Stewart Head, who plays the Watcher Giles, has said that he has also been approached about moving over to Angel. "I think maybe I will," Head said. "I talked to one of the writers about it and said it might be quite fun to bring me over there. It’s such an open book, and that’s what makes it so exciting." What’s really surprising about this is that he made himself available only part time to Buffy so that he could spend more time at home in Jolly Olde England. Perhaps the roles aren’t as forthcoming as hoped on that side of the pond? And the real question is: what does this mean for the proposed Ripper BBC TV movie?

Finally, Nicholas Brendan, who plays Xander, has expressed lots of interest in being involved in a new Buffyverse project (read that as: he doesn’t have a lot of career options), but his name is not being mentioned in regards to moving over to Angel. Hopefully something will happen with him, as Xander is my favorite Buffy character. Good luck, Nicky.

Finally, here are some HUGE SPOILERS for the Angel finale, so go no further if you wish to remain in the dark:

There are no guarantees for a fifth season of Angel, but Mutant Enemy is hopeful, as apparently the WB has shown real interest in their idea for a retooling of the show. What would that retooling be? It seems that at the end of the current season, Angel and friends take over Wolfram and Hart, the evil law office that was, until everyone there was killed earlier this season, the biggest thorn in their side. This would be a very interesting direction for the show to head in, and hopefully the WB will pick it up, as it looks like the fifth season ends in a moderate cliffhanger, with Angel Investigations deciding to sign Wolfram and Hart contracts and Cordelia in a coma.