Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Buffy The Vampire Slayer > Conventions > Buffy Convention : The Great Buffy Hootenanny III - November 11-13th, (...)
Dragonconbuffy.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerBuffy Convention : The Great Buffy Hootenanny III - November 11-13th, 2005Saturday 5 November 2005, by Webmaster Welcome to the 2005 edition of the Great Buffy Hootenanny! This will be the 3rd straight year for our awesome little mini-con, and we hope to see a lot of the faces we saw visiting the Track-Room at Dragon*Con, and also hope to attract some newcomers too.
The Hotel is confirmed! The rate will be $65 a night, and you MUST say you are with the Hootenanny to get that rate!
Date: November 11-13th, 2005 Location: Holiday Inn Atlanta Airport North
Rate: $65/night single/double, if booked by 10/28. IF you have a problem booking, please let me know ASAP. There is a contract so you shouldn’t (that’s what we’ve been waiting for). Make sure you let them know you are with the Great Buffy Hootenanny! Admission: The cost to attend is $10.00, and this cost not only gets you in the door, but also gets you a free T-Shirt. And, for the low, low cost of $5.00, you’ll get to join us for Dinner and a Song! Click on the link : |