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From Bbc.co.uk

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy DVDs - Four More Character Discs Announced

Friday 24 September 2004, by Webmaster

Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment have announced the release of four more Slayer Collection DVDs for 1st November 2004.

Cordelia, Dawn, Giles and Xander are featured this time around, with each disc containing four specially selected episodes and a 15 minute character profile featurette.

The Cordelia Collection features Out Of Mind, Out Of Sight, What’s My Line Part Two, Homecoming and The Prom.

The Dawn Collection offers up The Real Me, Blood Ties, Older And Far Away and Potential.

Giles is represented by The Dark Age, Passion, A New Man and Lies My Parents Told Me.

Finally, The Xander Collection offers us The Pack, Bewiched, Bothered and Bewildered, The Zeppo and Hell’s Bells.

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