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Buffy : Omnibus

"Buffy : Omnibus" Comic Book - Issue 7 - Available for pre-order ! (you save 20%)

Sunday 1 February 2009, by Webmaster


Written by Tom Fassbender, Jim Pascoe and Christopher Golden, art by Cliff Richardsw, Paul Lee, Eric Powell and others.

Buffy’s emotions run high after the tragic loss of her mother, but she still fights. She struggles with blood-starved vamps from another dimension and swarms of green demon children with a penchant for nibbling on faces, and, as barriers between alternate realities erode, nightmare versions of friends and long-dead enemies must be dealt with. Then Buffy’s own death‹having sacrificed herself for Dawn — takes a toll on the Scoobies, as they deal with demons and crazed forest creatures in a tale by Amber Benson ("Tara") and Christopher Golden. When Buffy is restored to life, she undertakes a secret mission with Angel, and all the loose ends are tied up with Buffy’s trip to hell, bringing an end to a four-year run of Buffy comics.

408 pages, $24.95, in stores on June 3.

Click on the picture to pre-order : (you save 20%)