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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy Season 1 Episode 10 "Nightmares" - Tvsquad.com Review

Tuesday 1 August 2006, by Webmaster

(S01E10) The worst nightmare you can have is of an out of control, giggling clown wielding a knife. No wait, it’s when you realize there’s a class at school you’ve never been to, but you have to take an exam for it. Or is it going to class naked? Wait, why is that last one scary?

This episode has a theme that’s used in a few others in later seasons, in particular the Halloween episodes where fears and costumes take over Sunnydale. It’s a theme that definitely works well in providing opportunities for an equal share of drama (through the facing of fears) and humor.One of the bigger points of this episode was the first appearance of Buffy’s father, Hank. Hank actually only appears in four episodes through the entire series, though thankfully they stuck with the same actor (Dean Butler) each time. I’d often wondered if he’d make a comeback in later seasons, though I eventually learned of Whedon’s point of not having him around and gave those theories up.

Xander’s fears were definitely the funniest of the bunch, even if they are of actual nightmares plaguing many, many people. Did anyone else think that, when Xander entered the area with the clown and the walls were spray painted with swastikas, his earlier mention of having a nightmare about Nazis was about to come true? I wonder if they originally planned for that to happen, though later removed it for fears there would be issues taken with showing Nazis and all that. Cordelia’s nightmares come in a very close second to Xander’s.

It was interesting to note how Buffy has a fear of being buried alive (well, who wouldn’t?), as she’s faced with that once again when she’s brought back alive in season six. That scene also set up early on how much Giles feels for Buffy already, having only known her for part of a school term.

Oh, and excellent Wizard of Oz reference when Billy wakes up. Xander is SO the scarecrow.

Main points of interest in this episode:
- Buffy’s year of birth is shown here to be 1981.
- First appearance of Buffy’s dad, Hank.
- We learn the main fears of each of the main characters.
- Giles can speak five languages.
- Nobody dies!

Quote of the episode: Xander: There’s nothing to say. You saw two hundred insects, you Gonzoed. Anybody would have. Wendell: They’re not insects. They’re arachnids. Xander: They’re from the Middle East?