Homepage > Joss Whedon’s Tv Series > Buffy The Vampire Slayer > Reviews > Buffy Season 2 DVD - Dvdanswers Review
From Dvdanswers.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerBuffy Season 2 DVD - Dvdanswers ReviewBy Mark Ashmore Monday 24 November 2003, by Webmaster (Firstly I would like to apologize for all the brackets) Well if you don’t know anything about Buffy the vampire slayer or better yet Sarah Michelle Gellar, I think you need your head read, but still I explain it to all you foreigners of television. Plot She meets school librarian Rupert Giles(Anthony Stewart Head) who becomes her new watcher, Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter) a spoilt B ... um Girl, Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) a nerdy shy girl, Xander Harris (Nicholas Brendon) a horny unpopular boy and most importantly Angel (David Boreanaz) a 400’ish year old vampire. In her first year (season 1) in Sunnydale Buffy befriends them all (except Cordy), saves the world from the master vampire - opening up a portal to kill all good in the world and falls in love (with Angel). It is here where we start season 2, an exceptional season of Buffy and just television - that and season 3... Episodes When She Was Bad - Buffy tries to move on after the horrendous killing of the master. Some Assembly Required - A perfect woman is trying to be made by using live girls parts. School Hard - Spike and Drusilla Arrive. Inca Mummy Girl - Xander falls in love with a ancient mummy sucking the life out of students. Reptile Boy - Buffy and Cordelia attend a Frat party for fun, only to find a big lizard. Halloween - A spell is placed on this night and dress-ups turn into reality. Lie To Me - Buffy’s Ex arrives and wants to become a vampire. The Dark Age - Giles’ past becomes present and jeopardizes his relationship with Ms Calendar. What’s My Line Pt1 - Buffy meets new slayer Kendra. What’s My Line Pt2 - Buffy must join Kendra to save Angel from Spike. Ted - Buffy’s Mom starts dating a robot. Bad Eggs - A pregnancy responsibility class goes wrong when the eggs contain aliens. Surprise - Spike and Drusilla assemble the Judge and Buffy and Angel get intimate. Innocence - Angel loses his soul. Phases - A werewolf enters Sunnydale. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered - Xander convinces Amy to put love spell on Cordy on Valentine’s but it backfires. Passion - Ms Calendar is killed by Angelus. Killed By Death - Buffy is in hospital with the flu and finds a real life Boogie Man. I Only Have Eyes For You - Buffy and Angel fall into a spiritual affair, when Sunnydale High is haunted by two ghosts from tortured love affair. Go Fish - The Sunnydale Swimming team are becoming fish. Becoming Pt1 - Angelus tries to unearth a life threatening demon and buffy must try to stop him. Becoming Pt2 - Buffy must kill Angel to save the world or will Willow save Angel’s soul first? Video Audio Extras There are three featurettes. Designing Buffy is a behind the scenes look at Buffy’s set which was really interesting. A Buffy Bestiary described how they created their monsters and demons, this was quite interesting. Beauty & The Beasts was mostly interviews with the stars, again, this was interesting. Art Galleries was another section featuring: a still gallery, monster sketches, set designs, set design blue prints - nothing to really comment on, they are pretty self explanatory. Finally we have biographies of the stars and Joss Whedon (director and creator), trailers for Angel season 1 and Buffy season 2, these are just advertising the shows and how Buffy is now on DVD. TV Spots appear from both the UK & US, the US ones are really good to see how Warner Brothers advertises Buffy in the States. Overall |