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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy Season 5 Episode 16 "The Body" - Joss Whedon Talks About The Arc

Saturday 30 April 2005, by Webmaster

I had the arc mapped out years before I made the episode, and I always knew it would be MY episode. But when it came around I was filled with ideas for expansion, movies, comics, and that "mom’s death episode" was just my day job... One night we had friends over and I remember walking into a room by myself and suddenly realizing that the most important artistic challenge I might EVER face was the episode I was about to start writing. It was a little epiphany, how much this episode would mean to me and how much it would push me artistically. I’ve mentioned that it’s based on some real experiences, talked about the aesthetics of the thing, the idea to not use music... but that one first moment of realization, the first terrible blush of the thing, that was extreme. Part of that excitement is having no idea how it will turn out. Now I do. Reading these posts means a huge amount to me. I would have posted this last night, but I (do you even have to ask?) forgot my password again. Thanks, all.

Joss Whedon