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From Smgboard.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerBuffy Season 7 Episode 22 "Chosen" - Alternative Buffy Finale ScriptMonday 21 April 2003, by Webmaster First of all a big thanks to the guys over at the Buffy Cross And Stake board for this and especially to a person with the username DrunkenSpike for telling us he/she got hold of this script. I’ll post it in parts so to possibly make it a bit more tidy as it’s quite large. Chosen" INT. CRYPT - NIGHT BUFFY and ANGEL are still mid-kiss. They break, holding each other. ANGEL Well, I guess that qualifies as "happy to see me." BUFFY Angel, what are you doing — no. Don’t even. I just wanna bask. They look at each other, warm and giddy. The smile is still on Buffy’s lips as she says: BUFFY (CONT’D) Okay. I’m basked. What are you doing here? ANGEL Not saving the damsel in distress, that’s for sure. BUFFY You know me. Not big with the damsel-ing. ANGEL (turning away) Got your share of distress, though. BUFFY And then some. You heard? Angel retrieves an accordion file from the corner. ANGEL I got coverage on the whole thing. Very gripping, needs a third act. BUFFY You have to leave L.A. ANGEL It’s the First. Right? The First Evil, The power that tried to convince me to kill myself...brought me back from hell. BUFFY Yeah. It’s gotten a little more ambitious since then. It’s raising an army. ANGEL Well it failed once, and I’m here to tell you that — CALEB Babe-Ruths a beam (or torch pole, or whatever) into Angel’s head, sending him flying across the room. Angel lands face first, skids to a stop. Buffy looks at Caleb. His eyes are black, dark blood dripping like tears from them, from his nose and mouth. His voice is otherworldly, coming from everywhere. CALEB You ready to finish this, bitch? END OF TEASER ACT ONE INT. CRYPT - NIGHT Caleb rushes Buffy, swings at her. She blocks with the scythe. His movements are more halting, but his strength is greater than ever. She stumbles back. BUFFY Okay, how many times do I have to kill you? Ballpark figure. CALEB You understand nothing. He comes at her again and they engage, parry and blow. ANGLE: SPIKE watches, not sure what to do. STILL THEY FIGHT, OVER: CALEB (CONT’D) You think you have power over me? I am everything. Everywhere. BUFFY Speech gettin’ old CALEB Stupid girl. You’ll never stop me. You don’t have the b — As he is saying it, she arcs the blade back and swings it up right between his legs. We don’t see it connect, of course, but we sure as hell see his expression when it does. BUFFY Well, who does nowadays? A moment, and she uses both hands to RIP the blade upwards. We see nothing of the damage, but some dark blood spatters her face as she completes the scythe’s arc upward. A moment, and we hear the body fall to one side of her — then hear the other half fall to the other side. Angel stands, spinning, furious. ANGEL Okay, now I’m pissed. Where is he? Buffy indicates the floor to her left. Angel looks. Then she indicates the floor to her right. Angel looks, then back at her, impressed. Buffy smiles girlishly. BUFFY He had to split. She snorts with dorkish laughter. Angel just shakes his head reprovingly. She stops after a moment. BUFFY (CONT’D) I’m sorry, I just... ahhhh... I haven’t had a good pun in a while. ANGEL That would still be the case. BUFFY Hey! My kill, my wordplay. ANGEL (hands up) I’m out of line. BUFFY Well, I’m still glad you’re here. ANGLE: SPIKE and the Buffy/First BUFFY/FIRST Yeah, she needs you real bad. Spike just clenches his jaw. As Buffy wipes the blood from her face Angel retrieves his folder, pulls out some papers, handing them to Buffy. She scans them. BUFFY I’ll have the guys run through this, see if there’s anything new. Reliable source? ANGEL Not remotely. BUFFY Well, any port in an apocalypse... ANGEL I brought something else as well. He pulls the AMULET out of his pocket. She stares at it. BUFFY I can already tell you, I don’t have anything that goes with this. ANGEL It’s not for you. BUFFY Splainy? ANGEL I don’t know everything. It’s very powerful and probably very dangerous. Has a purifying power... or a cleansing power - or possibly scrubbing bubbles, the translation is... anyway it bestows strength, worn by the right person. BUFFY And the right person is... ANGEL Someone ensouled, but stronger than human. A champion. As in me. BUFFY Or me. ANGEL No. I don’t know nearly enough about this to risk you wearing it. Besides, you’ve already got that cool axe-thing. BUFFY So you’re gonna be with me in this. ANGEL Shoulder to shoulder. I’m yours. ANGLE: SPIKE silently retreats. Buffy looks at Angel warmly. BUFFY No. ANGEL No, what? BUFFY No, you’re not gonna be in this fight. She starts to leave as he follows, unhappy. Stops her near the entrance. ANGEL Why the hell not? BUFFY ’Cause I can’t risk you. ANGEL You need me in this. BUFFY No, I need you gone. ANGEL Why? She thinks a moment, before: BUFFY If I lose... if this gets past Sunnydale, then it’s days — or hours — before the rest of the world goes. I need a second front, and I need you to run it. ANGEL If I’m here we have a better shot at capping this thing. I’ve read the files... BUFFY Well I’ve lived the files and I... if I can’t win this... it’s my fight, Angel. It might be my last. But it’s mine. A beat, as he takes it in. ANGEL Okay. That’s one reason. What’s the other? BUFFY There is no other. EXT. GRAVEYARD - NIGHT She exits, gets a few yards away before he appears at the entrance, calling after her: ANGEL Is it Spike? She stops, turns. Not overly anxious to look him in the eye. He approaches. ANGEL (CONT’D) You’re not telling me something. And... his scent. I remember it pretty well. BUFFY You vampires... did anybody ever tell you that the whole smelling everybody thing is a little gross? ANGEL Is he your boyfriend? BUFFY Is that your business? ANGEL Are you in love with him? Beat. Buffy can’t answer. ANGEL (CONT’D) Maybe I’m outta line, but this is kind of a curveball for me. We are talking about Spike here. BUFFY It’s different. He’s different. He has a soul now. ANGEL Oh. Well. BUFFY What? ANGEL No, no, that’s great. (mumbling) Everyone’s got a soul now. BUFFY What are you, jealous? ANGEL No, it’s great. One for our side. BUFFY He’ll make a difference. ANGEL (almost to himself) You know, I started it. (right to her) The whole... having a soul. Before it was all the "trendy thing to"... BUFFY Oh my god, are you twelve? ANGEL I’m gettin’ the brush off for Captain Peroxide, it doesn’t bring out the champion in me. BUFFY It’s not the brush off. Having both of you here would be... confusing. ANGEL For who? BUFFY Everybody! Why are you so — Are you gonna come by and get all Dawson on me every time I have a boyfriend? ANGEL Aha! Boyfriend! BUFFY He’s not! But... (thinks about it) He is in my heart. ANGEL That’ll end well. BUFFY And what was the highlight of our relationship? The time you broke up with me or the time I killed you? He backs down, the fight going out of both of them. She leans against a crypt, placing the file atop it. BUFFY (CONT’D) I’m well aware of my stellar history with guys, and no, I don’t see fat grandchildren in the offing with Spike, but... I don’t think that matters right now. (thinks a moment) You know, in the midst of all this... insanity, couple things are actually starting to make sense. And the guy thing... He joins her, also leaning on the crypt. BUFFY (CONT’D) You know, I’ve always figured there was something wrong with me, ’cause I never made it work. But maybe I’m not supposed to. ANGEL Because you’re the Slayer? BUFFY Because... okay, I’m cookie dough, okay? ANGEL Yet another curveball... BUFFY I’m not done baking yet. I’m not finished becoming... whoever the hell it is I’m gonna turn out to be. I’ve been looking for someone to make me feel whole, and maybe I just need to be whole. I make it through this, and the next thing, and the next... maybe one day I turn around and realize I’m ready. I’m cookies. And then if I want someone to eat m — or, to enjoy warm delicious cookie-me, then that’s fine. That’ll be then. When I’m done. ANGEL Any thoughts on who might enjoy... do I have to go with the cookie analogy? BUFFY I don’t really think that far ahead. That’s kind of the point. ANGEL I get it. A beat, and he hands her the amulet. ANGEL (CONT’D) I’ll start working on a second front. Make sure I don’t have to use it. A beat, his hands on hers, and he starts off. BUFFY Angel. I do. Sometimes... think that far ahead. He stops, smiles a bit. BUFFY (CONT’D) We both have our lives, but... sometimes... ANGEL Sometimes is something. BUFFY It’d be a long time coming. Years, if ever. He walks backwards into the dark, smiling at her. ANGEL I ain’t gettin’ any older. He disappears into shadow. She watches him go. Turns to see... KENDRA/FIRST Neither am I. BUFFY Did you come to not pummel me to death? KENDRA/FIRST Sending Angel home—sure that’s wise? BUFFY I don’t need him. KENDRA/FIRST But he’s your champion. BUFFY I’ve already got a champion. SPIKE/FIRST Sure about that? Buffy turns and walks away. END OF ACT ONE. ACT TWO INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - FOYER/LIVING ROOM/DINING ROOM - NIGHT Buffy enters, contemplative. She closes the door and then looks up to see DAWN glaring at her. She looks over and XANDER is sitting in the dining room, looking pained and sheepish. ANYA rubbing his head. GILES and WILLOW are also there. Buffy looks back at Dawn. Dawn silently kicks Buffy in the shin. A beat. BUFFY Ow... DAWN Dumbass. Buffy looks over at Xander, who just throws up his hands. XANDER Don’t look at me, this is a Summers’ thing. It’s all very violent. BUFFY (to Dawn) You get killed, and your dead. You know what I mean. WILLOW Did you find out anything about the scythe? BUFFY I found out it slices, dices and makes julienne Preacher. GILES Caleb? BUFFY I cut him in half. I’m not gonna lie, it was pretty neat. WILLOW Well all right! ANYA He had that coming. XANDER Party in my eye-socket and everyone’s invited! (beat) Sometimes I shouldn’t say words. BUFFY (re: scythe) I did find out some history on this puppy. I’ll fill you in — And I got some... (hands over files) ...files, might be helpful, and (produces amulet) This. Supposed to be powerful, don’t know much more. GILES Where’d you get all this? BUFFY Angel. DAWN Angel? GILES He’s here? BUFFY I sent him back to L.A. To prepare. She heads out toward the basement, turning back to add: BUFFY (CONT’D) If we fail. XANDER Operative word "If." ANYA Operative word "Fail." DAWN Or, operative word "Wheeee!" (crickets) Nobody gets me. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - BASEMENT - NIGHT Buffy comes down the steps. Spike sits in the moonlight, no shirt, looking off. Sees her. SPIKE So where’s Tall, Dark and Forehead? BUFFY Let me guess. You can smell him. SPIKE Yeah, that and I also used my heightened vampire eyeballs to watch you kissing him. Busted. BUFFY It was a... hello. I was surprised. SPIKE Most people don’t use their tongues to say hello. Or, I guess they do. BUFFY There was no tongues. Besides, he’s gone. SPIKE Just popped round for a quickie, then? BUFFY Good, good, I haven’t had quite enough jealous vampire crap. SPIKE He wears lifts, you know. BUFFY One of these days, I’m just gonna put you two in a room and let you rassle it out. SPIKE No problem at this end. BUFFY (warming up to it) There could maybe be oil of some kind involved... SPIKE Where’s the trinket? BUFFY The who-ket? SPIKE The pretty necklace your sweetie-bear gave you. The one with all the power. I believe it’s mine now. BUFFY How do you figure? SPIKE Someone with a soul, but more than human... Angel meant to wear it, that means I’m the qualified party. BUFFY It’s volatile. We don’t know... SPIKE You need someone strong to bear it then. You were planning on giving it to Andrew? BUFFY Angel said... this amulet is meant to be worn by a champion. A beat, as he deflates. Then Buffy holds it out to him, and he understands her meaning. Slowly takes it. SPIKE Been called a lot of things in my time... BUFFY I want you to be careful. SPIKE You’re talking to the wrong guy, love. (feeling it) This is powerful. A beat, as he turns it over in his hand. BUFFY (quietly) Faith’s still got my room. SPIKE (looks up) Well you’re not staying here! Can’t buy me off with shiny beads and sweet talk — you’ve got Angel breath. She looks down, nods quietly. SPIKE (CONT’D) Won’t just let you whack me back and forth like a rubber ball. I’ve got my pride, you know. She starts to go. BUFFY I understand. SPIKE (moves to block) Clearly you don’t, since that whole "having my pride" thing was a smokescreen. BUFFY (very relieved) Oh thank god. SPIKE I don’t know what I would have done if you’d gone up those stairs. She touches his face. BUFFY Let’s not find out. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - BASEMENT - NIGHT It is later, and Buffy is wrapped in Spike’s arms, facing away from him. They both wear enough to indicate they did not get sweaty. Spike sleeps, but Buffy cannot. She looks at his hand, resting on the bed in front of her. Runs her hand along it. After a momment, Spike rolls over, and Buffy takes the opportunity to sit up. She’s wearing sweatshorts or something modest and sleepingly. Gets up and crosses to the window, looks out it, bathed in moonlight. Caleb emerges from the darkness right next to her. CALEB/FIRST Pretty, ain’t it? She jumps a bit, then recovers. BUFFY You’re not him. CALEB/FIRST No, you killed him right and proper. Terrible loss. This man was my good right arm. ’Course, it doesn’t pain me too much. Don’t need an arm. Got an army. BUFFY An army of vampires. However will I fight a bunch of — oh right, I’ve been doing that for years! CALEB/FIRST Every day our numbers swell. But then, you do have an army of your own. Some thirty-odd pimply-faced girls who don’t know the pointy end of a stake from their hair dryers, maybe I should call this off! BUFFY Have you ever considered a cool name? Since you’re non- corporeal and basically powerless you could call yourself "The Taunter," maybe the "It who talks a lot." Strikes fear in... CALEB/FIRST I will overrun this earth. BUFFY You know how many people have said that to me? CALEB/FIRST I do, since they all had a small part of me in them. Whereas I have all of me in me, so I like my chances somewhat better. And when my army outnumbers the humans on this earth the scales will tip and I will be made flesh. BUFFY (realizing) I’m not afraid of you. CALEB/FIRST Then why aren’t you asleep in your dead lover’s arms? She looks over at Spike, doesn’t answer. CALEB/FIRST (CONT’D) ’Cause he can’t help you. Nor Faith nor your friends... certainly not your little wannaslay brigade. None of those girlies will ever know real power unless you’re dead. You know the drill: He morphs into Buffy herself, coming close to say: BUFFY/FIRST Into every generation, a Slayer is born. One girl in all the world. She alone will have the strength and skill to fight the... wait. But then there were two. Well that’s not how the prophecy goes. Buffy takes this in, says nothing. MASTER/FIRST Funny thing about prophecies, they don’t always tell you the whole story. GLORY/FIRST The hardest thing about this world is living in it, ain’t that the truth Slayer? Miles to go... Little miss muffet, counting down... MAYOR/FIRST >From 7-3-0. Your gift was death. (beat) But your friends took their receipt, went to customer service and got an exchange. ANGEL/FIRST You should’ve stayed in the ground, slayer. BUFFY It’s not my fault. ANGEL/FIRST Then whose is it? You think you know, what you are, what’s to come- You haven’t even begun...You could fix it all, you know. BUFFY And you’re going to tell me how? ANGEL/FIRST Your gift is death. BUFFY If I die...another will take my place. ANGEL/FIRST When are you gonna learn. This isn’t about you. This was never about you. (beat) The blood-cry, the penetrating wound. BUFFY/FIRST I am destruction. Absolute. Alone. (beat, waiting for Buffy) Where’s your snappy comeback? BUFFY (softly) You’re right. BUFFY/FIRST Mmm. Not your best. SPIKE I’m drowning in footwear! Buffy looks over at Spike, who wakes with a start. She looks back to Spike, who shakes it off: SPIKE (CONT’D) Weird dream. She doesn’t answer. SPIKE (CONT’D) Buffy? Is something wrong? She takes her time looking back at him, something quietly building in her. BUFFY No. Yes. I just realized something. Something that really never occurred to me before. He sits up, quizzical. BUFFY (CONT’D) We’re gonna win. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - BUFFY’S BEDROOM - DAY Buffy is there with the gang (Dawn, FAITH, Xander, Willow, Giles, Anya). Buffy has the scythe. Faith is out of bed, working out the kinks in her neck and arms, testing her strength as she listens. BUFFY Well? What do you think? A beat. XANDER That depends. (sincere question) Are you kidding? BUFFY You don’t think it’s a good idea? FAITH It’s pretty radical, B. GILES It’s a lot more than that. Buffy what you’re talking about flies in the face of everything we’ve ever —that every generation has ever done in the fight against evil. (smiles) I think it’s bloody brilliant. BUFFY You mean that? GILES If you want my opinion. BUFFY I really do. I always have. Reconciliation. DAWN So, I’m the key here. Strange looks. DAWN (CONT’D) Figuratively—not literally. I mean—I am, but... you know what I mean. BUFFY No. You are in no way to act in a key capacity. DAWN But you said... BUFFY I know what I said...But we’re doing this my way, I’m making the choices here. SMASH CUT TO: FLASHBACK - "Conversation with Dead People" JOYCE Things are coming, Dawn. Listen. Things are on their way. I love you. And I love Buffy. But she will not be there for you. DAWN What? What are you— JOYCE There will be choosing to be done. SMASH CUT TO: ANGLE DAWN : She’s remembering. SMASH CUT TO: JOYCE (CONT’D) And when it is very bad, Buffy will not choose you. She will be against you. SMASH CUT TO: Dawn. A disturbing revelation surfaces inside her. Joyce’s words make sense. WILLOW Whoa hey, not to poop on the party, but I’m the guy who’s gonna have to pull this off. FAITH It is beaucoup d’mojo... DAWN Is it even possible? GILES I believe it is, if what Buffy has told us about this weapon is true. WILLOW Not to careen back to the me subject, but... I’m... this is beyond anything I’ve ever done. This is a total loss of control, and not in a nice wholesome, my-girl-friend-has-a- pierced-tongue way. BUFFY I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think you could do it. WILLOW I’m just not sure I’m stable enough to — ANYA Oh, sure y’are. You’re as stable as the molecules in Mister Fantastic’s uniform, am I right? XANDER Oh, you just couldn’t have picked a worse example. GILES You’re going to do this, Willow. Get the coven on the line, see how they can help. I’ll — DAWN Sure you’re making the right choice? BUFFY (quickly) Dawn should do a research thing. GILES Yes, you — DAWN It’s cool. Watcher Junior to the library. (as she goes, to Buffy) You get to save the world, I get more homework. BUFFY You could have been in Oxnard... GILES I’ll start digging up my sources. Literally, actually; there’s one or two people I need to talk to who are dead. ANYA (to Xander) Come on. Let’s go assemble the cannon fodder. XANDER We’re not calling them that, sweetie. ANYA Not to their faces — what am I, insensitive? BUFFY Willow... WILLOW (re: scythe) I’m gonna need to run an energy scan on that puppy. To start with. FAITH Sure you’re ready to give it up? As Buffy hands the scythe to Willow... BUFFY (V.O.) I hate this. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY Every single person ever is in the house, packed like th’ little fishes. There is just enough room for Buffy to pace a little, inspirational-seargant(sic)-style, as she speaks. The newbies await Buffy’s latest proclamation with initial distrust. BUFFY I hate being here. I hate that you have to be here. I hate that there’s evil, that it’s growing, and I hate that I was chosen to fight it. I wish, a whole lot of the time, that I hadn’t been. (smiling wryly) I know a lot of you wish I hadn’t been either. KENNEDY and VI smile a bit, others look embarrassed. BUFFY (CONT’D) But this isn’t about wishes. This is about choices. I never had one. I was chosen. And I accept that. I’m not asking you to accept anything. I’m asking you to make your own choice. I believe we can beat this evil — not when it comes, not after its army is ready, but now. Tomorrow morning I’m opening the Seal. I’m going down into the Hellmouth and I’m going to finish it once and for all. We see the gang as Buffy continues: BUFFY (CONT’D) I’ve got strong allies: warriors, charms, sorcerers, and I’ll need them all. But I’ll also need you. Every single one of you. So now you’re asking yourself, "What makes this different? What makes us anything more than a bunch of girls getting picked off one by one?" It’s true none of you has the power Faith and I have. (she glances at Dawn) I think both Faith and I (beat, should she?) and Dawn... would have to die for a new one to be called, (the potentials react, Buffy hurries to continue) and we can’t even be sure that girl is in this room... KENNEDY What do you mean, Dawn would have to die? BUFFY (hesitant) When I died, the second time. No new slayer was called. Because Dawn was me...is me. The monks who sent her here made her from me and now the line moves through all three of us. That’s the rule... The mystical forces surrounding the Chosen ones have been destablized and we can’t fix them. The line is vulnerabe and we can’t put things back the way they were. So we’re going to change the way things are. Here’s the part where you make a choice. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - BASEMENT - DAY Faith and WOOD finish moving something big and metal in front of a grate. Sweaty work. WOOD It’s a hell of a risky idea. FAITH Buffy’s wacky that way. WOOD There’s one more vent right by the stairs. (they head for it) We block that, they got no sewer access, should drive them up into the school proper. FAITH That’s assuming they get past us. WOOD Which, no offence, I am. FAITH Come on, you gotta have a little faith. WOOD (sardonic) Think I’ve had my share, thanks. FAITH Well I trundled right into that, didn’t I. Look, I’m sorry if it seemed like I was blowing you off the other day. I was just trying to, you know... blow you off. They start covering the vent by the stairs with stuff. WOOD I figured that out all by myself. FAITH It’s nothing personal, it’s just... after I get bouncy with a guy, there’s not a whole lot more I need to know about him. WOOD That’s bleak. FAITH Way of the world. WOOD Good to know. For a second there, I was mistaking it for more defensive, isolationist Slayer crap. FAITH And he comes out swingin’... WOOD There is a whole world you don’t even know about, and a lot of the men in it are pretty decent guys. They’d surprise you. FAITH Guy looks at me, let’s just say his priorities shift. WOOD ’Cause you’re so hot? FAITH Is what it is, yo. WOOD Please. I’m much prettier than you. Faith starts in open-mouthed, victorian shock — she actually puts a hand to her breast. WOOD (CONT’D) And for the record, our little encounter didn’t exactly change my world. FAITH You’re tripping! That was rock ’em sock ’em! WOOD Oh, it was nice enough... you’re very... enthused... with a little more experience I think you’ll really... FAITH Dude, I got mad skills! WOOD No, of course. (re: work) Let’s finish up. FAITH Hell with that. We’re going again. You’re gonna learn a little respect here, pal. She starts pulling off her shirt, Wood stopping her with: WOOD Faith. Make me a deal. We live through this, you give me the chance to surprise you. FAITH (suspicious) Well, what would be the surprise? WOOD You do know the meaning of the word, right? FAITH Fine. Deal. WOOD Good enough. They start moving heavy ###### again. FAITH No way are you prettier than me. WOOD Little bit. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - WILLOW’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Willow has the scythe on her bed, along with a bunch of books and papers, mystical objects, and Kennedy. Willow is scribbling down a mystical equation, looking nervous as a kitten. WILLOW I really wish she hadn’t said that about me. KENNEDY What, the thing Buffy said? I think it’s true. WILLOW (hapless face) Ehheh. KENNEDY I’ll be with you. To keep you grounded. WILLOW (spear-jab motion) You may have to keep me stabbed... if I go to the bad place. KENNEDY You’re saying I might have to kill you. WILLOW I am. KENNEDY Bite me. WILLOW I will. I mean, I do. Mean it. If I go south, you gotta protect the others. KENNEDY It’s not gonna happen. WILLOW The darkest place I’ve ever been — this is what lies beyond that. This is too important for me to... KENNEDY Buffy believes in you. WILLOW You know, Buffy: Sweet girl, not that bright. KENNEDY Hey, I’m the first to call her out when she’s not making sense... in fact this may have escaped your keen notice, but I’m kind of a brat. I’ve sort of always gotten my way. So you’re gonna make it through this, no matter how dark it gets. Because now... you’re my way. AnD smooch. WILLOW I better go over it again. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - DINING ROOM - NIGHT Giles sits at the table with Xander. There is a pile of books and plans before us, so we can’t see the map they are referring to. AMANDA looks on, and an ND potential. They are tired, but earnest. GILES I’ve gotten turned around. You’re here. XANDER By the pillar, yeah. I’m protecting this area. GILES That puts me here. By the door. Demons around the perimeter... right. So I open the door. Widen to find ANDREW, reading from an old rule book with some handwritten notes on loose leaf. And, oh, yeah, he’s wearing a red cloak, hood up. ANDREW You go through the door... you are confronted by Trogdor the Burninator. GILES Bugger all. Fight. Giles rolls ten-sided dice. ANDREW Adios to five hit points. Trogdor has badly wounded you. GILES What about my bag of illusions? ANDREW Illusions? Against a burninator? (chuckles) Silly, silly British man. AMANDA I invoke a time flux on Trogdor. ANDREW Step down, girlfriend, you can’t just — AMANDA Ninth level sorcerer, and I carry the emerald chalice. Trogdor is frozen in time, deal with it. XANDER Smackdown on red riding hood! This could get ugly. GILES Could it possibly get uglier? I used to be a highly respected Watcher. Now I’m a wounded dwarf with the mystical strength of a doily. (rubs his eyes) I wish I could just sleep. AMANDA What kind of person could sleep on a night like this? WIDEN to find Anya, head on the table, snoring away. Xander puts a hand on her head, affectionately. XANDER Only the crazy ones. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - DAWN’S BEDROOM - NIGHT A messload of Potentials are in the room, some with sleeping bags, some just hanging, all more or less sitting at the feet or Dawn, who sits on her bed, in mid-tale. DAWN And the Master grabbed Buffy from behind and bit her, she tried to move but he was too strong, he fed on her blood and he tossed her in the water, cackling insanely as the bubbles rose around her and she slowly drowned to death. VI (upset) Do you have any other stories? DAWN She gets up again, it’s very romantic. Guys, you gotta stop worrying. It’s Buffy. She always saves the day. BUFFY Dawn? Buffy appears in the door. BUFFY (CONT’D) I need to talk to you. DAWN Okay. INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - BASEMENT - NIGHT Spike sits, shirted this time, on the bed. He looks at the amulet, thinking. He stands as Buffy/First comes down the stairs. They stand on opposite sides of the room, looking at each other. BUFFY/FIRST My champion. EXT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Tableau: the deserted school. A couple of buses, one of them half way in the road, doors open. We push in at the school, slowly, until Wood blows past us, girls in tow, and we see the gang headed in. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - DAY We’re still behind Wood as he leads the group, that we now see includes Buffy, stopping at the big space at the bottom of the stairs. WOOD Welcome to Sunnydale High. There’s no running in the halls, no yelling and no gum. Apart from that we have only one rule. (stops and turns) If they move, kill ’em. BUFFY Potentials are in the basement, follow Faith and Spike. Spike and Faith herd the girls down the hall. XANDER If you have to go to the bathroom, it’s on the left. If you don’t have to go to the bathroom, picture what you’re about to face. Better to go NOW. The gang clusters around this area as orders and plans continue to rattle out of people: WOOD Willow, my office is through there. BUFFY It’s right over the Seal. KENNEDY (takes Will’s bag) I’ll start getting you set up. WILLOW Thanks. WOOD Okay, civilians. The vampires get upstairs we have three areas they could get through to another building and down into the sewers. The camera whips around him as he points them out. WOOD (CONT’D) Down the hall in the atrium, the north hall here, and the primary target, through the lounge to the science building. GILES Teams of two then, and I suggest you and I take the lounge. WOOD I concur. BUFFY Xander, I want you with Dawn. XANDER I concur. DAWN We’ll take the atrium. ANYA So that leaves me and the dungeon master in the north hall. ANDREW We will defend it with our very lives. ANYA Yes, we’ll defend it with his very life. XANDER Don’t be afraid to use him as a human shield. ANYA Good, yes, thanks. ANDREW And I just wanna say how proud I am to die for this really special cause with you guys. (unfolding paper) There’s some people I’d like to thank, both good and evil... a shout out to my brother Tucker, who gave me the inspiration to summon demons and also — ANYA Nobody cares, ya little monkey. Anya drags Andrew off as Wood also goes off into his corner. DAWN I’m gonna check out our field of engagement. She starts down the hall. Buffy goes after her... BUFFY Dawn... DAWN No. Dawn turns back, not waiting for Buffy to speak. DAWN (CONT’D) Anything you say is gonna sound like goodbye. BUFFY Stay alive. And she turns and goes. Buffy watches her. Turns back and joins the group. There is a moment, all of them looking at each other, and we realize it’s the original four: Buffy, Giles, Willow and Xander. The camera slowly circles around them as they realize it too, look at each other with unspoken feeling. Finally: BUFFY (CONT’D) So. What do you guys wanna do tomorrow? WILLOW Nothing strenuous... XANDER Mini-golf is always the first thing that comes to mind. GILES Well, I think we can do better than that. BUFFY I’m pretty much thinking about shopping. As usual. WILLOW There’s an Agnes B. in the new mall! XANDER I could use a few items. GILES Well, no, aren’t we gonna discuss this? We’re saving the world to go to the mall? BUFFY I’m having a wicked shoe craving. XANDER Aren’t you on the patch? WILLOW Those never work. GILES And I’m just here, invisible to the eye, not having any vote... And the kids are headed off, leaving Giles to watch them. XANDER See, it’s the eye-patch thing. BUFFY Right, do you go with the full black secret agent look — WILLOW Or the puffy shirt pirate-slash-poet feel. Sensitive yet manly... XANDER Now you’re gettin’ a little renaissance fair on me. BUFFY It’s a fine line. Giles turns away from them. GILES The earth is definitely doomed. He heads off ot his corner. ANGLE: The three of them. They walk together, in slightly slow motion, down the hall. Willow peels off, then Xander, everyone casually talking, any other day, until Buffy is alone. there is no sound save music. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - BASEMENT HALL/SEAL ROOM - DAY Buffy comes down the stairs and on top of the music we hear voices, remembered voices, phrases from her past — her first meetings with her friends, key moments together, it all builds and jumbles in her head as she walks along the hall until she reaches SPIKE Time to go to work, love. He is standing at the end of the hall. He indicates the Potentials. Some are crowded outside the chamber ’cause there’s not enough room for everyone. Buffy is let through, moves to the edge of the Seal, next to Faith, who holds out Andrew’s knife. FAITH You’re first, B. Buffy takes the knife, cuts her hand, lets it drip onto the Seal. Faith takes the knife -
FAITH (CONT’D) Pucker up, ladies. We’re going to Hell. — and slices her own hand with casual aplomb. Hands over the knife to Amanda, who is much more hesitant... DISSOLVE TO: INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - SEAL ROOM - A BIT LATER As girls all around the circle are holding out their hands... ANGLE: The SEAL — starts to open. A moment of watching it, and Buffy starts down. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - DAY Willow sits on the floor, the scythe in front of her and mystical objects arranged. Kennedy watches her from the other side of the room. WILLOW They should be in place. Okay. Magic time. You ready to... heh heh... kill me? KENNEDY Starting to be... WILLOW Great. Pun. Right. (takes a breath) Brace yourself. She shuts her eyes. KENNEDY (quietly) Come on, Red. Make it happen. INT. CAVERN - DAY Buffy, Faith and a few girls have climbed down, as more follow. Spike comes abreast of Buffy. SPIKE Not to be a buzzkill, luv, but my fabulous accessory isn’t exactly tingling with power. BUFFY I’m not worried. SPIKE I’m getting zero juice here. And I look like Elizabeth Taylor. FAITH Cheer up, Liz. Willow’s big spell doesn’t work, won’t matter what you wear. BUFFY I’m not worried. She is looking straight ahead and the others now pay attention as they approach: ANGLE: THE PRECIPICE, beyond which is an ENDLESS cavern swarming with THOUSANDS of Ubervamps. ANGLE: OUR GUYS stare down at them. BUFFY (CONT’D) (catatonic) I’m not worried... RONA (whisper) Really? ’Cause I’m flashing back to Xander’s whole bathroom speech. AMANDA Buffy? BUFFY (closes her eyes) Now Willow Now Willow Now.... AMANDA (more worried) Buffy... BUFFY I’m not worried! As long as Willow can work the spell before they — As one, the vamps see the girls and charge, screaming. BUFFY (CONT’D) — see us. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR INT. CAVERN - CONTINUING The girls await the really noisy death approaching from off camera. They are, hey, terrified. BUFFY (sooo quiet) Willow... INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - CONTINUING Willow is mumbling something rapidfire under her breath. KENNEDY Willow? Willow stabs her a SHUT UP look, her lips still moving. INT. CAVERN - CONTINUING On Buffy and Faith, starting to think about retreat... INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - CONTINUING Willow suddenly tenses up, eyes wide, as light begins to fill the room... We do a series of quick dissolves, moving in at her... WILLOW Oh... WILLOW (CONT’D) My... WILLOW (CONT’D) Goddess. Kennedy falls back, slammed by something unseen. KENNEDY NNnnhhhhaahhhh.... INT. SUMMERS’ HOME - LIVING ROOM - DAY (DAY 2) We flash back now to the second half of Buffy’s speech to the Potentials, picking it up again at: BUFFY So here’s the part where you make a choice. And we lay in a SERIES OF IMAGES to be INTERCUT with the living room scene. Some of Buffy’s speech we see, some we just hear over the images. What she has to say is this: BUFFY (CONT’D) What if you could have that power? Now. All of you. In every generation one Slayer is born because a bunch of guys that died thousands of years ago made up that rule. They were powerful men. (points to Willow) This woman is more powerful than all of them combined. So I say we change the rules. I say my power should be our power. Tomorrow Willow will use the essence of this scythe, that contains the energy and history of so many Slayers, to change our destiny. (looks to Dawn) Every girl who could have the power, will have the power. Who can stand up, will stand up. Every one of you, and girls we’ve never known, they will have strength they never dreamed of, and more than that, they will have each other. Slayers. Every one of us. The line will no longer move through me, it hasn’t for a long time. It will move through all of us. Right now. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong? And what we see is the present, the moment of the spell’s consummation, in different places: INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - DAY Kennedy’s head rears into frame, her eyes sparkling with power. INT. CAVERN - DAY We steadicam along the row of Potentials as they too absorb the power. It’s a rushing wind, a hammer blow, it’s hard, soft, confusing, a first orgasm, a perfect equation, a fevered dream... it’s power. And it’s happening everywhere. INT. INDIA - NIGHT A GIRL has fallen to the floor, wide-eyed as the power and knowledge course through her. INT. INNER CITY SCHOOL - DAY Unnoticed by the throng, an AFRICAN AMERICAN GIRL leans against her locker, breathing hard, looking almost puzzled. INT. TRAILER - DAY We see the back of a beefy fellow as he is about to strike someone — and HER hand blocks his blow. She rises into frame, slightly bruised and bleeding, but with a cold fury in her eyes that suggests that won’t be happening again. INT. JAPANESE HOME - NIGHT The family is having dinner as the DAUGHTER backs away from the table, trying to keep her balance. EXT. BASEBALL DIAMOND - DAY A twelve year old girl stands uncertainly at the plate as the power higs her: she takes it in, looking down in confusion.... then looking back up, slowly, her stance straightening and a wicked grin on her face. AND FINALLY BACK TO: INT. CAVERN - CONTINUING As the girls come out of slo-mo and into their own. AMANDA Sweet fancy moses. Buffy and Faith beam at each other. FAITH You feel that? BUFFY I really do. Faith looks ahead, they all steel themselves, various expressions of readiness and uncertainty on various faces... FAITH Everybody, hold the line... VI (dead cool) These guys are dust. And the first wave hits, the vamps cresting the edges en masse, swarming over the girls — Sorry. "Slayers". Who take the horde and beat it back, every single one of them slicing, kicking, twirling, punching, slaying like they’ve been doing it all their lives. They are taking out a bunch (Spike keeping his end up just fine, thank you), holding off others — but the vamps keep coming, endlessley. It’s brutal and dark and sweaty and bloody and I love it. I love it. Unseen to the rest, too busy not dying to notice: Spike tosses an uber vamp across the chasm. Dawn appears behind him. A vamp rushes her, and she tosses it like a rag doll. Spike sees her... SPIKE Look at you, all dressed up in big sister’s clothes. Aren’t you... DAWN Buffy might not choose me, she may even be against me. But she’s not calling the shots any more. With one hit she hurtles Spike to the ground. Grabs the amulet from his neck. Spike is shocked. SPIKE Have you lost your bloody mind? DAWN (examing the amulet) Someone with a sole, but more than a human? Sounds like they key to me. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - DAY Kennedy is giddy, still out there. KENNEDY Oh, this is... She stops, the smile leaving her face as she sees Willow. KENNEDY (CONT’D) (small voice) Willow? ANGLE: WILLOW Is blown by a force so powerful, so loving, that she is bathed in pure white wind, her hair is actually white, streaming out behind her, her smile a bowl to catch her tears. A moment of transcedence, then it ends, the wind sucking out of her and her appearence returning to normal. She is clearly completely spent. KENNEDY You are a Goddess. WILLOW And you’re a Slayer. She tosses Kennedy the scythe. WILLOW (CONT’D) Get this to Buffy. Kennedy looks at her for a moment, then runs off. Willow collapses onto her side, giggling like a dope. WILLOW (CONT’D) That was nifty. INT. CAVERN - DAY Buffy is near the edge, fighting just about everyone she can touch. She tosses a vamp over the side, stakes another, then takes a couple of brutal hits. Kennedy jumps down through the Seal opening, calls out: KENNEDY Buffy! Catch! And she hurls the scythe right at her. ANGLE: THE SCYTHE twirls through the air. Buffy is fighting, catches it without even looking back, and dispatches two vamps immediately. Kennedy is attacked and jumps high, kicks hard — pummels vamps with newfound power. KENNEDY (CONT’D) Oh, I could get used to this. ANGLE: AMANDA AND VI Fighting. SLO MO TABLEAU: The war. Buffy in foreground, axe swinging through an already dusting vamp, a war cry bursting from her mouth. Faith beside her, kicking the face of another vamp. In mid air in the background, a vamp and a Slayer LEAP at each other, above the heads of the warring crowd. There is nothing to see here but the sprawling, brawling mob. Everybody’s kung fu fighting. ANGLE: A few vamps get thrown into the back, see the Seal opening and scurry up it. More follow. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - LOUNGE - DAY Giles and Wood look at each other — they can hear them. Giles has a hand rolled cigarette. He offers it to Wood, who declines, blowing out a little smoke as Giles stamps out the cigarette. They hoist their swords. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - ATRIUM - DAY Dawn returns to Xander with Spike in tow: SPIKE It’s not gonna work like this little bit. DAWN You can’t stop me. XANDER What’s going on? SPIKE She thinks she’s going to sacrifice herself and save the day. DAWN Buffy needs you. It should be me. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - NORTH HALL - DAY Andrew and Anya, also in wait mode. ANDREW I think they’re coming... ANYA Oh God. I’m terrified. I didn’t think... I just figured you would be terrified and I would be sarcastic about it. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - ATRIUM SPIKE Give it to me. DAWN You want it, you’re going to have to take it. Spike puts his game face back on. They fight, neither with a true upper hand, until... XANDER Guys! The camera swings to see bringers standing in the hallway. Then another, and another. DAWN Help Xander, I’m going in. SPIKE No you’re not... He shoves her to the ground. The bringers attack. They fight, they take out one, and two more take its place—they just keep coming. Dawn falls to the ground and loses the amulet. A bringer moves for it but Spike decapitates him with his bear hands. Picks up the amulet. Dawn and Spike lock eyes. A SCREAM. Xander is being over run with bringers. SPIKE (CONT’D) Better help your friend. Spike exits, returning to Hell. INT. SUNNYDALE HALL - NORTH HALL - DAY Anya and Andrew are tackling several bringers of their own. No slayer power, not much success. They take one out after another, but the fight sways to the bad guys. Anya is knocked to the ground. A bringer corners Andrew. It poses to strike it’s final blow... ANGLE : ANYA awake. The Bringer falls to the ground, her sword in it’s back. INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - ATRIUM - DAY Dawn and Xander hold their own. The Bringers just won’t quit. Dawn fights brilliantly, and so does Xander. It’s not enough. A Bringer comes behind Dawn, poises to stab her... INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - LOUNGE - DAY Giles and Wood do their thing. The Bringers are no match... One takes Giles down and Wood comes to his rescue, managing a near fatal wound to save Giles. INT. CAVERN - DAY Buffy rips apart more vamps with the scythe. One knocks her to the ground. She opens her eyes to see: Caleb/First. CALEB/FIRST You’re right more stupider than I though. The battle rages around them. JOYCE/FIRST But then, you always did poorly in school. Buffy get’s up. Stares down the first. BUFFY End of days...for you. You couldn’t even kill one slayer...now the scales have tipped. She moves past the First, but it reaches and grabs her arm. It’s corporeal. Buffy stares and horror. JOYCE/FIRST That they have. The First delivers Buffy a powerful blow and sends her sailing across the cavern. The scythe falls to the side... SLO MO: Buffy rises. Sweaty, bloodied, hair in her face, but nothing but resolve in her eyes. The First is nowhere in sight as she takes a step forward, two, stumbling, hunched steps... Rona sees her and throws her the scythe. Buffy catches it. Stands a little straighter. And SCREAMS, and swings the back of the axe like it’s a bat, knocking five vamps back and over the edge in one blow. Sauron himself would be, like, "dude..." ANGLE: The pile of vamps on Faith flies back as she kicks out — Faith kips up, also bloodied, also unbroken. And the girls turn the tide, forcing the vamps back, many of them falling over the edge -
JOYCE/FIRST (CONT’D) (appears behind Buffy) Curds and whey, Buffy. End of days. The first vanishes. ANGLE: SPIKE stumbles under the Seal opening. He turns, to see: BUFFY/FIRST It’s time. Your time. She smiles, obviously not Buffy. The First starts to sing, but the trigger doesn’t work. SPIKE I don’t like that song anymore. He strikes her, sending The First to the ground. BUFFY/FIRST (with fierce rage) Give me the amulet. SPIKE This puppet’s cut the strings. (beat) Oh, bollocks. And energy SHOOTS up from him, straight through INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - SEAL CHAMBER - CONTINUING AND UP INTO INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH - PRINCIPAL WOOD’S OFFICE - CONTINUING bursting through the floor, narrowly missing the still-prone Willow, and continuing through the ceiling, from whence the noon sun pours straight back down. WILLOW I didn’t do that... INT. CAVERN - CONTINUING The sun hits Spike and he is pinned, pain and something else building in him. SPIKE Buffy... She sees, racing to him — BUFFY Spike! And has to dive out of the way as a prismed ray of pure, soulful sunlight blasts out of the amulet and into the cavern. It wipes out the vamps instantly — and even starts tearing apart the cavern. FAITH Everybody out! Now! The girls fight their way to the exit. Everything is shaking. Buffy comes to Spike. He is pinned in place, energy still blasting from him. SPIKE I can feel it, Buffy. BUFFY What? SPIKE My soul. It’s really there. Kinda stings. INT. SAME - DAY As debris falls and everything shakes, the Slayers run out toward the entrance. EXT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - CONTINUING GILES IS HELPING WOOD TOWARD: WOOD The bus! Get ’em on the bus! GILES Everybody! This way! INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Kennedy helps Willow out, Dawn and Andrew pull on Anya, who is calling out: ANYA Xander! Xander! We see, as she cannot, his corpse, hidden by debris and fallen Bringers. ANGLE: A BRINGER — the one that jumped on Dawn falls away, Xander’s sword in his chest. Dawn is bloodied but alive, and completely wigged by the fact. DAWN Why... A girl grabs her, hauls her to the bus. INT. CAVERN - CONTINUING Buffy hasn’t left Spike’s side. SPIKE Gon on, then... BUFFY You’ve done enough, you can still — SPIKE No. You beat ’em back, it’s for me to do the clean up. FAITH CALLS FROM THE ENTRANCE: FAITH Buffy! Come on! Then falling debris makes her bail. Stuff is falling around Buffy and Spike as well. SPIKE Gotta move, lamb. I think it’s fair to say school’s out for the bloody summer. ANGLE: THE CAVERN is collapsing at the top and bottom — the actual school falling in on the vamps. BUFFY Spike... SPIKE I mean it. I gotta do this. His hand is held up, frozen in his rictus of revelatory pain. Buffy takes her own hand, interlocks it with his. A moment, and both hands burst into flames. We hold close on the two of them, ignoring the flames, looking at each other. BUFFY I love you. A moment. He smiles kindly. SPIKE No you don’t. But thanks for saying it. A big quake rocks them. Spike pushes her away. SPIKE (CONT’D) It’s your world up there. Now GO! She looks at him — and bolts. He looks back at the destruction in front of him, smiles wickedly. SPIKE (CONT’D) I wanna see how it ends. EXT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Wood shuts the door — he’s at the wheel — and the bus peels out. ANGLE: The very back of the bus — there’s Dawn, tears running down her face looking for DAWN Buffy... INT. SUNNYDALE HIGH SCHOOL - DAY Buffy tries to head for the door, but is blocked. She has nowhere to go but up the stairs. INT. CAVERN - DAY Spike is still smiling as he is eaten from inside by the power, and the world falls away from beneath him as he dies. EXT. SUNNYDALE - DAY The bus rolls on, just ahead of the cracking earth. INT. BUS - CONTINUING Faith is by Wood, staunching his wound. Giles is wrapping a tourniquet around a wounded Rona, who is fading... Vi helps him, all in Rona’s face. VI Stay awake. Look at me! This is nothing! Anya sits by herself, lost. ANYA Why didn’t I die? Kennedy holds onto the still exhausted Willow. And Dawn still looks out the back window for any sign of her sister. And then she sees: EXT. ROOFTOPS - DAY Her sister. running along the rooftop, jumping off of one just as it collapses, keeping pace with the bus... The bus pulls out ahead of the last building and Buffy JUMPS an impossible distance, right in front of the collapsing Sun Cinema sign, and lands hard on top of the bus. ANGLE: ABOVE BUFFY As she holds on, looking over the back at the cracks chasing them. ANGLE: SUNNYDALE from way high up — the whole town is sinking into a smoking black crater, a tiny bus just making its way to the edge of town ahead of the destruction. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN - DAY The bus roars along. Buffy still atop it, no longer in danger. INT. BUS - DAY FAITH LOOKS BACK, TELLS WOOD: FAITH Ease off. We’re clear. EXT. OUTSKIRTS OF TOWN - CONTINUING The bus screeches to a stop. Buffy jumps off and people start getting out, Dawn opening the back door and jumping out. Buffy and Dawn hug for a long while. Willow joins them, Anya stands to the side. Willows afriad of the answer, but presses: WILLOW (to Dawn) Did you see? Did you see what happened? Was he... Dawn looks at Willow a moment, then Buffy, then Anya. Rises up a bit. BUFFY What. Giles joins them. DAWN (to Anya) He was incredible. He died saving my life. They all realize... XANDER (welling up) That’s my guy. Always doing the stupid thing. INT. BUS - DAY Everyone is off as Faith looks at Wood’s wound. FAITH It’s not that bad... you just sit here. WOOD That’s the plan... FAITH I’ll get someone to — WOOD Did we make it? He looks at her. A Beat. FAITH We made it. We won. He smiles a little... and then he is just staring. And still. Faith takes a moment, then moves to cover his eyes. He coughs, spasming back to life, and she draws back her hand, as startled as he. WOOD (whispers) Surprise. EXT. BUS - CONTINUING Giles looks out at the crater. They are solom. GILES I don’t understand. What did this? BUFFY Spike. They walk toward the edge of the crater, smoke in front of her, and we REVERSE: SUNNYDALE is a smoking black crater. In front of it is a sign: WELCOME TO SUNNYDALE. After a beat, the sign creakingly topples back into the crater. We see everyone now, the girls milling about, the core group nearer the crater, and we push through the smoke to see them: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Willow, Anya, Faith coming out to join them. Keep pushing slowly in as they all look out at the end of Sunnydale... ANGLE each of them, one at a time. Memories float to the surface. Of Xander, Spike, etc. We hear there voices, more key moments in each of there lives. The pain is almost too much... GILES (to Buffy) He sacrificed himself. He’s a true hero. ANYA Which one? BUFFY Both. DAWN It should’ve been me. For both of them. GILES What? Dawn looks away. BUFFY No. They knew what had to be done. Both of them. WILLOW Xander saw more clearly than any of us. And Spike understood more clearly than any of us. ANYA I loved him. DAWN Which one? Anya shoots Dawn a look. Buffy puts a hand on her shoulder. BUFFY We all did. FAITH Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business. GILES There is another one in Cleveland. Not to spoil the moment... DAWN We saved the world. WILLOW We changed the world. I can feel them, Buffy. All over. There are Slayers awakening everywhere. DAWN We’ll have to find them. WILLOW We will. GILES Yes, because the mall was actually in Sunnydale, so no hope of going there tomorrow... DAWN We destroyed the Mall? I fought on the wrong side... WILLOW All those stores gone... The Gap, Starbucks, Toys R Us... who will remember these landmarks unless we tell the world of them? We’re still pushing in, closer and closer to Buffy, as everyone around her continues talking... GILES We have a lot of work ahead of us... FAITH Can I push him in? WILLOW You got my vote. FAITH I just wanna sleep, yo. For like a week. DAWN I guess we all could. If we wanted to. WILLOW Yeah, the First is scrunched, so... What do you think we should do, Buffy? FAITH Yeah, you’re not the one and only chosen anymore. Just gotta live like a person. How’s that feel? She looks at Faith. DAWN Buffy? What are we gonna do now? Buffy looks at them, looks back at the crater, and we are in full close up as she considers the question, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she decides on her answer. ANGLE : Debris, the fallen school. A hand, bloody and beaten, pushes it’s way up through the rubbel. BLACK OUT. END OF SHOW. 12 Forum messages |