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Buffy : Season 8

"Buffy : Season 8" Comic Book - Down for the Count : Dracula’s Greatest Comics Appearances

Wednesday 14 October 2009, by Webmaster

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Dracula

Dracula’s appearance on Buffy the Vampire Slayer — a season-opener designed to make viewers think he was the villain of a major arc before Buffy soundly defeated him at the end of the episode — is one of the true highlights of the series. When he returns as part of the "Season 8" comics, writer Drew Goddard is able to touch on a few aspects of the Count that didn’t quite make it to television. Namely the fact that he is crazy racist.

It’s like if the great-aunt that you only see on holidays who invariably makes for an awkward Thanksgiving dinner by casually working a racial slur into a request for more cranberry sauce, except that instead of eighty years to build to that point, she’s had four hundred and is also a demon wearing human flesh to prey upon the living. But what do you expect? Dude eats people!

Rating : 5/10

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