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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

"Buffy Season 8" Comic Book - Scott Allie Fractalmatter.com Interview

Wednesday 3 October 2007, by Webmaster

He may be best known by Buffy and Angel comic fans as the editor who answers all those emails at the end of their favorite comic books in Slay the Critics, but Scott Allie is slightly more than that. Hailing from the Baked Bean state, which also sprouted comic book talents such as Christopher Golden and Thomas Sniegoski, Scott followed those famous words ‘go west young man’ and found himself in Oregon and at the doorstep of Dark House Comics. He’s made a name for himself as an editor, from Joss Whedon’s Buffy, Serenity and Fray to Mike Mignola’s Hellboy, as a publisher, and as a writer having penned his own comic The Devil’s Footprints and short stories for Buffy: Tales of the Slayer. But he is without a doubt one of the busiest and hardest working young talents in the comic book industry. Scott Allie

FractalMatter.com had the opportunity to sit down with Scott during his appearance at Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Georgia this past Labor Day weekend. While the excitement of the convention was enough to keep its attendees on pins and needles all weekend, there was quite a huge buzz coming from the Whedon Universe. Joss has excited Buffy fans by bringing them the official Season 8 continuation of the series in comic book form. Over breakfast in the Hyatt, between gulps of much needed coffee and bites of bacon, extra crispy, Scott caught us up on the latest and greatest from Dark Horse comics.

Click on the link for more :
