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From Tvguide.com Buffy The Vampire SlayerBuffy Spinoff : Willow the Vampire Slayer ?Thursday 13 March 2003, by Webmaster
However, that’s not the reason that Whedon is crossing over the powerful wiccan from UPN’s Buffy to its sister show on Wednesday’s Angel (airing at 9 pm/ET on the WB). "There’s nothing to suggest [a Willow spinoff in this episode]," he insists. "It just made narrative sense. We’ve been dealing with [the do-gooder vamp’s evil alter ego] Angelus, and Willow was instrumental in getting his soul back [the last go-round], so we thought it would be interesting to speak of that history a little bit." What’s more, the boss hoped that Buffy’s quirky confidante would lighten up the Angel gang during this, their darkest hour. "Alyson is a fun person to bring into the fray, because she has such a completely different energy than the Angel cast," he explains. "She’s very Sunnydale - very sunshiny and goofy and childlike, even though she’s matured a great deal. And Angel is so turgid and soapy, it’s fun to have somebody come in and give her perspective on things. "Besides," he adds with a laugh, "she’s [Angel regular] Alexis [Denisof]’s sweetheart." Actually, Whedon is kind of stuck on the redhead himself. If nothing else, he continues to be bowled over by her ability to make work seem like play. "Aly was being a sweetie [guest-starring when she did], because she was doing American Pie 3 and Buffy at the same time. She was working every day, including weekends, doing three different things, and she came through like a trouper." |