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From Scifi.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy Writers Find New Medium

Tuesday 7 October 2003

Joss Whedon is working with the former writing staff of Buffy the Vampire Slayer to provide stories for the Dark Horse Comics miniseries Tales of the Vampires, the Comics Continuum Web site reported. "With Joss and the other writers from the show including Brett Matthews- who’s gone on to write some high-profile stuff for Marvel-it’s basically a show reunion just months after the TV show ended, which I think is the thing readers are responding to the most, so far," said editor Scott Allie.

The five-issue series will tell the stories of several vampires across time within the Buffy universe, including familiar characters such as Spike and Drusilla. Whedon has written the first two issues, which will be illustrated by newcomer Alex Sanchez and former Catwoman artist Cameron Stewart. The first issue goes on sale Dec. 10 and will have a retail price of $2.99.