Buffy The Vampire Slayer
"Buffy and the Heroine’s Journey" Book to be released on summer 2012
Sunday 25 September 2011, by Webmaster
About the Book : The worlds of Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and other modern epics feature the Chosen One—an adolescent boy who defeats the Dark Lord and battles the deepest joys and sorrows of the world below awareness. Television’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer represents a different kind of epic—the heroine’s journey, not the hero’s. This provocative study explores how Buffy blends 1990s girl power and the path of the warrior woman with the oldest of mythic traditions. It chronicles her descent into death and subsequent return like the great goddesses of antiquity. As she sacrifices her life for the helpless, Buffy experiences the classic heroine’s quest, ascending to protector and queen in this timeless metaphor for growing into adulthood.
About the Author : Valerie Estelle Frankel is a storyteller, an award-winning novelist, and a lecturer at San Jose State University. The author of one book and over 100 stories and essays, she lives in Sunnyvale, California.