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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy in Salon.com’s best TV of the decade

Wednesday 23 December 2009, by Webmaster

13. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer"

What can you say about the vampire series that launched a million vampire series? How about, "This one didn’t suck"? Salon’s Laura Miller best summed up the brilliance of Joss Whedon’s cult hit when she wrote, "Whedon’s original idea, to take ’the little blond girl who goes into a dark alley and gets killed in every horror movie’ and make her the hero of the story, mutated into a remarkably flexible and inventive way to portray the terrors of adolescence. The supernatural elements of the stories provided Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and her friends with more than just monsters to kill; they served as metaphors for everyday identity crises and social anxieties, most famously when Buffy and her boyfriend, the redeemed vampire Angel (David Boreanaz), consummate their love, whereupon a gypsy curse renders him suddenly cruel and hateful." Die-hard Buffy fans can attest to the clever wit of Whedon’s dialogue, the ways he twisted so many new themes and layers of meaning into the standard good vs. evil vampire tale. Over the course of seven years, Buffy unearthed the demons of the underworld and the demons of young adult life with equal tenacity, creating a heroine who was surprisingly formidable but always relied on a little help from her friends.

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