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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy in the Top 10 Chosen Ones

Thursday 29 October 2009, by Webmaster


3. Buffy Summers - Sunnydale, California is sitting on the mouth of hell. Luckily for the town, The Slayer is in residence. Buffy The Vampire Slayer relates the story of a young girl with superhuman powers, relegated to her for reasons unknown. What we do know is that in every generation, a young woman is chosen to fight the demons, vampires, and other forces of evil. To assist her in these matters, a shadowy council of Watchers provides her with a mentor. Buffy’s friends and colleagues also help her in her goal. Granted, Buffy goes (SPOILER IN LINK!) down in history as one of the best Slayers (as we find out later), she doesn’t keep exclusive company, as before the show is over, there are Slayers everywhere. The best parts of the show, for me, however, is that being the Chosen One doesn’t mean you don’t have a curfew, or that your mother will get you a car. Buffy’s status as The Slayer conflicts mightily with her need to have an ordinary life, but it’s her attempts to stay normal that, most likely, keep her alive much longer than most of the Chosen girls.
