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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

’Buffy’ puts her stake down in deluxe DVD package

By Ray Kelly

Friday 19 November 2004, by Webmaster

"Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7 DVD Collection," (Fox Home Entertainment, $59.98 list price)

While many television series ("E.R.," "Frasier") overstay their welcome, "Buffyć creator Joss Whedon and series star Sarah Michelle Gellar had the good sense to call it quits while the show still was on top.

The WB (later UPN) series was proclaimed one of the 10 best shows on television by "Time," "USA Today" and "Entertainment Weekly" and ranked No. 3 in TV Guide’s list of the Top 25 cult TV shows of all time.

"Buffy" reached its peak in its third season with Buffy battling it out with her vampire-boyfriend Angel, but the series had plenty of steam left in its seventh and final season.

The antagonist, or "The Big Bad" in Buffy-speak, was The First Evil, an ancient, all-powerful entity bent on conquering the earth with an army of uber-vamps.

The show’s ongoing theme of female empowerment was well-stated in the series finale, "The Chosen." Buffy, backed by a battalion of female teens, makes the trek into the Hellmouth beneath Sunnydale High School to protect mankind. Not every series regular makes it to the end.

Fox Home Entertainment has released each season in handsome packages with plenty of extras and this 22-episode volume is no different.

Commentary tracks, DVD-ROM extras, a bloopers reel and behind-the-scenes featurettes are sprinkled throughout.

The show’s writers are the series unseen stars. They and Whedon provide some of the wittiest commentary tracks available on any DVD set on the market today.

As in past volumes, Gellar is nowhere to be seen in the bonus footage - not even in comical bloopers and out-takes.

A great deal of credit for "Buffy’s" success goes to Gellar and it is unfortunate that her absence mars and otherwise superb collection.

3 Forum messages

  • > ’Buffy’ puts her stake down in deluxe DVD package

    20 November 2004 00:35, by The_Orcblaster
    Such a shame Sarah doesn’t do anything. No conventions, no commentaries, no bloopers.... I mean, it looks to me she hates Buffy or something, I really don’t have anything good to say about this! But damnit she’s a beautiful lady! :-)

    See online : http://what's a url?

  • Missing Buffy et al

    20 November 2004 14:29, by J2U
    If Sarah lives long enough she may view the Buffy years fondly. I wonder just how much she tolerated we know nothing about. I will always be grateful for the incredible body of work cast + crew produced, but according to D.B.the load the star carries is many times heavier than the rest, just in camera time alone. No one questions Joss’s willingness to be obtuse, ie Chrisma Carpenter’s reward for not obtaining permission to reproduce (Cordelia’s coma + unemployment). Sarah’s absense from DVD’s is sad but her absense from the 5th season of Angel is a major turd. Still in comparison to the cancellation of Angel these flaws are miniscule. Thanks again WB, also any who might have picked it up and didn’t. Your "reality" I do not Share!
  • > ’Buffy’ puts her stake down in deluxe DVD package

    21 November 2004 05:00, by Anonymous
    I am always amazed at the loyalty fans give to SMG. She did come to one convention in San Diego this summer (1st one ever). Know why? To promote the grudge! She was on FX for the Buffy re-runs to promote...that’s right - The Grudge! Seems she only needs her Buffy fans to help her movie career. I love the show, I’m sure working through Marti Noxon’s therapy on screen was not easy, but she could be a little more gracious.