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From Charisma-carpenter.com


Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

By Chrissy

Wednesday 11 February 2004, by Webmaster

Charisma has signed the contract and is wrapping up her second day of shooting today, February 10th. She chose the photographer herself and is very pleased with the photos, which will feature no below the waist frontal nudity. It was a joint decision made by Charisma and her husband, Damian, who was with her during the entire shoot, and she has assured her official site that everything is being done tastefully. They are very happy with the result and hope that Charismas fans will continue to support her.

Expect to see the issue sometime this summer 2004.

16 Forum messages

  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    11 February 2004 17:58, by Vinny
    Shit... I mean this is shit... Why did she had to go that low?!? I am a men BTW, and I think this shit is wack... It doesn’t feel right... It would be like looking at your own little sister in a porn magazine...
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 01:24, by Anonymous
    Yeah.. so don’t look at it then! No one is forcing you to buy it, if you feel this way.
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 04:20, by laura

    seems like a weird thing for someone who just had a baby to do.

    like now when she should be concerned about her kid finding out about stuff she did earlier in her life. i dont see why she’d want to create stuff

  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 05:54, by Skye
    I’m sure that if Charisma had her hand in the shooting of the layout, it will indeed be tasteful and beautiful. I look forward to seeing the results. I think some of the fans who are upset by this need to grow up a bit. Charisma certainly is.
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 06:03, by Amadeo
    Man that’s bull, how the f*c* would that be the same as "your little sister." I’m a man too BTW, and i’m not saying this because i’m some geeky jock idiot, hell, I don’t even buy PlayBoy or anything like that, but I think that if she feels the need to pose nude then all the best to her, I think there’s absolutely nothing wrong or degrating in nudity, she’s a very beautifull lady and has every right to show herself to the world if she wishes. I’m not saying in a skanky way, like little Ms. Bratty Spears, she’s just b*tchy . (period) . But nudity can be very tastefull and classy. And even if she did want to go out and be skanky, that’s cool too, she has every right to do as she feels, just like everybody else does, I might sound like a hippy when I say this but it’s all about freedom man. Tip-of-the-hat to Ms. Chase.
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 09:29, by Diskosquid
    Laura, I imagine she probably wants to feel sexually attractive after carrying a kid around for months, maybe this is just the wrong way of doing it, it’s not pornography just nudity from the waist up. I’m not quite sure what Vinny is getting by saying "like looking at your own little sister in a porn magazine"? It’s not like she’s a teenager.
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 12:56, by Anonymous

    I wanted to see ’The Full Cordy’, damn it!

    Oh well, ’The Half Cordy’ (or 3/4 I suppose) will have to do. I just hope it’s better than some of the celebrity spreads they have had in the past. If it’s as good as Cindy Crawford’s was I’ll be happy!

  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    12 February 2004 14:11, by SlayersPet
    I am a Female, and a huge fan of Charisma. I believe she is very tasteful and not stupid. She knows what she is doing. Not everyone can be like SMG and have a no-nudity clause. They are both tasteful ladies..and I just wonder which one will get the role of Wonder Woman?
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    13 February 2004 18:11, by Anonymous
    please there is nothing wrong with her posing for playboy..she is great looking and will make a little money..good for her!!
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    3 March 2004 03:49, by Anonymous

    I will be waiting with the box of kleenexx and jerking cream!! I cannot wait. It is about time!

    Slap Slap Slap...the meat

  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    3 March 2004 13:58, by buffy/angel fan
    It seems to me that Playboy is for those women trying to get recognized (ending up in bit-part roles in cliche’ movies) or those whose career has fizzled. Does Charisma need this? I was under the inpression that she would do fine on her own. Somehow I feel that this cheapens what she has accomplished so far as an actress. Cordy is truly dead.
  • Charlize Theron did a Playboy spread and her career doesn’t seem to have suffered.
  • She’s probably doing this to show that she’s still got it after having a baby. Whatever the reason it is her decision and we should all just shut up and respect that decision.
  • If SMG had a body like CC, then she probably would so nudity.
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    28 May 2004 20:28, by Anonymous
    NO! I am a mom and even if I had her body I would never pose nude! How degrading. She must be money hungry cause there is NO good reason to do this! Still prove you got it to yourself Charisma and keep your junk to your husband!
  • > Charisma Carpenter Has Been Confirmed For Playboy

    2 August 2004 02:22, by Anonymous
    Charisma Carpenter is beautiful!I was going to attack all of you who attacked her for posing. But as you are your own worst enemey, I’ve since changed my mind about that.