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From Bbc.co.uk

Charisma Carpenter

Charisma Carpenter is "not interested" in returning to Angel

Thursday 26 August 2004, by Webmaster

End Of Chase

Talking to TV Guide Online about her forthcoming guest stint on Charmed, Charisma Carpenter took time out to discuss Angel. With rumours spreading of possible TV movies, the Guide asked her if she’d consider returning to the role of Cordelia Chase.

"You know, I’m not interested," she said. "Not because of David [Boreanaz] or anyone I worked with. I think we’re all just done. I don’t think my fans should be offended, because they’re not Angel- or Buffy-specific. They’ve proven over time that they’ll follow me no matter what I do, so I’m not afraid of taking anything away from them, and I hope they wouldn’t feel that way."

Carpenter fans can catch her when she guest-stars in at least two episodes of Charmed this autumn, playing another psychic.

"At least I’m not in a coma on this show. They’re both sassy girls, but this character is more of a temptress than a smartass. She’s toying with Leo [Brian Krause]."

She’s also recorded a pilot for a sitcom, Like Cats and Dogs about a guy who goes to stay with his sister and her houseful of dogs.

6 Forum messages

  • I hardly think anyone including Joss Whedon is holding their breath waiting for Charisma to appear on any future buffverse movies! Her character was pretty much done anyway.
  • This is just to bad. I never really thought that her character had really closure. Even though I really liked "You’re Welcome", it felt kinda rushed and I really miss her character. I didn’t expect her to actually appear in any Buffyverse related stuff because the rift between her and Joss, but I’m still sad to really have it confirmed. Cordelia developed into one of my favorite Buffyverse characters on her run on Angel (especially during season 3, which is kinda odd in comparison to most fans).

    And no, I won’t follow her career afterwards, atleast not to Charmed. Talk about stepping down.

  • > Charisma Carpenter is "not interested" in returning to Angel

    27 August 2004 02:18, by Childe of the Daywalker

    I don’t think it’s a matter of Charisma not wanting to do the character, but more of she doesn’t want that pr*ck Joss to be in charge of the character. Fury gave charisma a graceful exit, but Joss is too damn vindictive to give her character anything anywhere near that respectful.

    Bottom line, unless Cordy and C/A gets treated with the same respect that Fury treated it, we won’t be seeing her in any Whedonverse projects for a long time.

  • I agree, Slinky...I mean, Cordy already died in Season 5...it’s not like they really they need CC in there, unless she comes to Angel is some sort of dream, but otherwise...

    But what she said, in my opinion, sounded kind of cocky, as if she was too good for it...but I could be wrong.

  • Charisma is great and everything, and i would totally love for her to do a TV movie with some of the old cast but thinking about it, it would take a lot out of the way she passed away and it was so sweet and sincere that it would be ruined. but then again Joss is a genuis and he could make it perfect. but still I’m comfortable with how she left and that she got the chance to come back in the 100th eppy of Angel so it’s not that huge of a dissapointment that she isnt willing to do these. It probably also has to do with her and Joss... what do those two have against one another anyway?
  • WTF NO!!!, if there ever is comming an Angel movie she has to play in it....like in angel’s mind or dream! dammn she was the most inportant after Angel and i love her!! please Charisma don’t do this! I don’t like charmed or all the otther things, just stay with Angel...or Buffy would be good to...but I prefer Angel!