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Christopher Brookmyre - "Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks" Book is an all-out Browncoat


Monday 17 December 2007, by Webmaster

Christopher Brookmyre, Scottish crime writer notable for previous pop culture references to Buffy and the A-Team, has a major character in his new novel Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks who is an all-out Browncoat.

The first tip-off was a character named Malcolm Reynolds but that could be a coincidence for a story set in Scotland. Then an Inara/Kaylee reference which might have been a throwaway. But later:

Still, I loved the coat and I wasn’t going to stop wearing it, babe repellent of not. I could happily admit it: the reason for me wearing the thing, the reason for me tracking it down, was geeky and embarrassing. ... I embraced my geekdom, and Keith was right: I wore my coat proudly as its badge. I wore a brown coat because I was a ’browncoat’: I was - Keith nailed that too - a science geek with a chronic SF habit, and my drug of choice was Firefly.

I haven’t finished it yet but I highly recommend all the CB books and it looks like this one most of all.

Click on the link :
