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David Boreanaz

David Boreanaz - "Bones" Tv Series - Matt Roush praises "Bones" staying power

Saturday 25 February 2006, by Webmaster

Question: Matt, seriously. Bones is Fox’s best new show of the season? Better than Prison Break? Are you serious, or was it just a momentary lapse due to PB’s hiatus? Please tell me it’s the latter. Bones is OK, more watchable now than it was when it started, but it’s no Prison Break. David Boreanaz wishes he had 20 percent of Wentworth Miller’s screen presence. - Lynn

Matt Roush: Do not be dissing my Angel, but otherwise, mea culpa. Prison Break has many flaws, but it’s my kind of show (see: 24), and I would agree that it’s more gripping and a more significant newcomer to Fox’s schedule than Bones - although the nature of Prison Break’s story line makes me wonder if Bones might not have more staying power in the long, long run. When I answered that question about Bones, I did momentarily forget that Prison Break’s return is just around the corner (mark March 20 on your calendars, and March 19 if you missed some episodes and want to catch up with a marathon on FX).