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From Pittsburghlive.com

Does the world really care about Jennifer and Brad ? (sarah michelle gellar mention)

By Eric Heyl

Sunday 16 January 2005, by Webmaster

The split is it. For more than a week, the headlines have been dominated by the breakup of one of Hollywood’s cutest couples, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston.

Some have suggested the enormous amount of attention devoted to their breakup reinforces the notion that America is a singularly shallow, celebrity-obsessed society.

I thought so, too — at least until reading the international reaction to the split:

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) — In a sharply worded message, Pope John Paul II unequivocally condemned gay marriage and criticized Jennifer Aniston’s reluctance to start a family with husband Brad Pitt before the couple split.

"Family must never be undermined by laws based on a narrow and unnatural vision of man," he said. "And you know, Jennifer should have acquiesced to Brad’s desire for a baby. Her long-running TV show has ended, the couple is financially secure and her biological clock is ticking."

BAGHDAD (Knight Ridder) — Iraq’s principal Sunni Muslim political party admitted yesterday that Jennifer Aniston had every right to leave Brad Pitt if, as reported, she caught him engaging in phone sex with actress Angelina Jolie.

"While that would be no conclusive proof of an affair (between Pitt and Jolie), it would constitute considerable circumstantial evidence, don’t you think?" said Ayad al Samaraee, deputy chairman of the Iraqi Islamic Party. "I mean, c’mon."

Al Samaraee also acknowledged that his party’s effort to delay Iraq’s parliamentary election had failed and conceded the vote would take place as scheduled on Jan. 30.

ALONG THE AFGHANISTAN-PAKISTAN BORDER (AP) — Osama bin Laden blamed Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s breakup on divine retribution against America’s continued Middle East presence.

Bin Laden also predicted a vindictive deity will tear more seemingly stable couples apart unless there is swift, dramatic change in U.S. foreign policy.

"What you are seeing now, the two infidels of questionable acting ability no longer cohabitating, is only the beginning, " he warned in a newly released videotape.

"Allah willing, the tears you are crying now are nothing compared to the sobbing in the streets that will follow Freddie Prinze Jr.’s supposedly amicable split from Sarah Michelle Gellar, she who once filleted vampires."

See? America has plenty of company worldwide in our pathological obsession with the Brad-Jen breakup.

The only reason to think otherwise would be if someone concocted the above news accounts to illustrate the absurdity of believing anyone outside this self-absorbed nation gives a damn.

3 Forum messages

  • God, wouldn’t it be nice if the rest of the freaking world stopped judging America by Hollywood, the black sheep of the family?

    You hate Hollywood. We hate Hollywood. This is something that, unlike politics and morals and religion and what qualifies as edible food, we can agree upon.

    The only people that are obssessed with Brad and Jen are Brad and Jen, along with the rest of the Hollywood "elite". We didn’t sit there and ask "Hollywood’s Cutest Couple" to coexist or whatever the fuck the politically correctos call it, and we don’t give a crap now that they are no longer "an item".

    We buy the magazines out of morbid curiosity! Can you blame us? It’s either People Weekly’s latest gossip or Breaking News: The Rest of the World Hates America, Part IIVVI.

    Hollywood is NOT part of America and does not make us shallow or obssessed or selfish, thank you very much. And no, none of you are bitter or jealous at all, /sarcasm.

    Besides, which is worse to unleash on the world, Britney Spears or Hitler?

    See online : Does the world really care about Jennifer and Brad ? (sarah michelle gellar mention)

  • Oh dear, i mean oh dear to me. I actually didn’t realise they had split for real. I mean i saw the newspaper or something. I am obviously way too busy with my kids, home, job to be finding out about the truly important things in life, like a couple separating...Oh i did that on Monday! Was i in the news?? For pity sake let them deal with their grief alone!I pity them, it’s hard enough to split up with out the world giving their opinions on it.
  • does the world care, umm, nobody cares about it, but the media has to talk about it, thats their job—to talk about stupid unimportant things in between serious stories—i guess it keeps people from wanting to jump off a building or something, i dont know, and as far as it being forgotten about in england, i think the british media can give the american media a run for its money any day of the week when it comes to waxing philosophically about totally inane things such as break-ups, and other scandals that dont mean anything the fact is i dont like being generalized as a shallow celeb obsessed american, in fact i hadnt given brad and jen a second thought until i came in here read about things Angel and Buffy related and was met with this

    This is just something u deal with, the media is going to talk about this crap, but it doesnt mean that ALL americans are clamoring at their televisions to find out if brad and angelina cybered also