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"Dollhouse" Tv Series - FOX fall schedule revealed

Monday 18 May 2009, by Webmaster

Fox’s fall schedule?

The latest we’re hearing, below. Similar to what we posted Friday, with the addition of "So You Think You Can Dance" remaining the big headline, though taking a more "American Idol"-like Tuesday-Wednesday path here. All sources seem to agree Fox is holding its comedy pickups until midseason. The official schedule will be posted here Monday.

Monday — "House," "Lie to Me"
Tuesday — "SYTYCD," "Fringe"
Wednesday — SYTYCD" results, "Glee"
Thursday — "Bones," "Kitchen Nightmares" (with "Past Life" taking over after baseball)
Friday — "Dollhouse"
Sunday — "Cleveland" at 8:30, all others unchanged

UPDATE: Removed "Human Target" from Fridays, we’re hearing that late fall or midseason is far more likely.

UPDATE II: More about Fox’s fall plans moving into the upfront here.

Other broadcast schedules still blurry, though last week DHD posted a potential NBC lineup.