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"Dollhouse" Tv Series - More than a renewal ?

Saturday 9 May 2009, by Webmaster

Radha: Dollhouse’s chances of renewal are reportedly slim. Please, please say it isn’t so! Do you have any happier news?

You know that 14th episode of Dollhouse that’s set in a post-Apocalyptic universe and that won’t be appearing on Fox network but will be included on the season-one DVD? Well, no one’s officially confirming anything, and this is all still entirely in the theoretical dreamy dream stage, but reliable sources tell us exclusively that spinning off "Epitaph One" into a new series is "not exactly outside the realm of Joss’ master plan." So even if Dollhouse proper doesn’t get a pickup for season two, there might still be an alternate Dollverse for us to play in. What do you think of that?!