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"Dollhouse" Tv Series - Where is the staff & cast since the wrap up ?

Thursday 14 May 2009, by Webmaster

Since the Dollhouse finale has now aired and the show wrapped filming in February, we have decided to catch up on where FOX’s Dollhouse staff are now.

Showrunners, co-exec producers Elizabeth Craft and Sarah Fain

It has flown under the fan radar, but they are now consulting producers on FOX’s Lie To Me.

Creator Joss Whedon

Joss is currently wrapping his motion picture The Cabin In The Woods with Drew Goddard (Buffy, Lost, Cloverfield) and Fran Kranz (Dollhouse’s Topher). We’ve read the script, and can confirm it is Evil Dead on acid. Possibly acidy fruit. The all out horror flick gets released in the US next year.

Consulting producer Jane Espenson

Jane is now working on Capricia, the new Battlestar Galactica spin off which threatens to rock everybodies world next year. It’s really solid.

Consulting producer Tim Minear

Tim is currently developing several new show pitches for US television.

Consulting producer Stephen Deknight

Stephen is the head writer and showrunner for the new big budget cable series Spartacus, which drops soon. Spartacus is executive produced by heavy hitter Sam Raimi.

Actor Amy Acker (Doc Saunders)

Amy has signed for and filmed ABC pilot Happy Town, which we’ve heard may be heading to series in a few weeks time.