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"Dollhouse" Tv Series in The Top 10 Blu-ray Releases So Far This Year

Saturday 15 August 2009, by Webmaster


2. TV Shows on Blu-ray (Various)

Blu-ray is still a relatively new format. And as a new format, it’s still finding its legs - what it can do, what it can’t do, and where exactly it’ll go. One of the big question marks, for critics as well as consumers, is how television will fit into this new format. With television shows on DVD still incredibly popular (and now being built into the marketing of shows) and with more and more shows being broadcast in HD, we’re at an interesting crossroads when it comes to TV shows on Blu-ray.

Thankfully, a handful of titles have risen to the challenge and delivered truly outstanding collections. (TV shows on Blu-ray will have to be uniformly excellent to justify the price increase for most customers.) I’m thinking specifically of the recent ’True Blood,’ ’Venture Brothers,’ ’Dollhouse,’ and ’Mad Men’ sets, each of which bring new levels of depth, ambition, and elegance.

This diverse group of shows (a ribald animated adventure, a sex-and-violence horror series, an ambitious sci-fi fable, and a period drama) are similar in their presentation (both audio and video are wonderful), and they come loaded healthy collections of extras. They’ve also helped refine the way that the TV-series-on-Blu-ray interfaces work, with commentary and trivia tracks for episodes seamlessly branching from a central or pop-up hub. All in all, they’re so good they make you want to skip the initial viewing, just to wait for the Blu-ray to hit stores.

Blu-ray has largely been heralded as being the movie lover’s home video format, but with the care and attention that studios have begun to show television series, it’s looking more like a one-stop shop for pop culture junkies everywhere.


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