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"Dollhouse" Tv Series in the 20 mad scientists who turned against their creations

Saturday 25 September 2010, by Webmaster


Topher Brink (Dollhouse)

20 mad scientists who turned against their creationsAh, Topher. It’s hard to believe he started out as some people’s least favorite character on this show, given the way he eventually became the best thing about Joss Whedon’s (maybe) last television series. He was a snarky, self-justifying ubergeek who helped perfect the technology for erasing people’s brains and reprogramming them to be whoever you want. And he finally helped create the tech that allowed for the mass erasure of billions of people — which drove him crazy with remorse, hiding in his cubicle fort. And in the final episode, he creates a technology to reverse Rossum’s mind-wipes, and sacrifices himself to save the world’s personalities.


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